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A/N : Demetrius is the character that I was originally planning on adding to the story but then replaced with Mateo. but then I said fuck it and added him too. if you go back to the very first chapter where the cast is, you'll see the person that plays Demetrius 🥰

THIS IS PROBABLY my first time going to a party on my own. Every other time I had Sam, Elijah or even Oscar with me. But this time I'm completely by myself and I'm no longer sure if this a great idea. Mateo offered to go with me but that was before all of his teachers assigned him a ton of work to catch up on.

I readjust the strap of my tight white dress as I walk through the doorway of Elijah's house. I hold my head high as I stroll towards the kitchen with my black heels clicking against the floor. Several heads turn to look at me but I ignore all the stares.

Upon reaching the kitchen I hastily open a beer bottle and practically drown myself in it. "Camilla," A familiar voice says excitedly. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again." I turn around and see one of Elijah's close friends smiling brightly at me. "I ask Elijah about you all the time but he never says shit. Oh, wait till Zahara hears about this!"

"I missed you so much, Demetrius!" A laugh escapes my lips as I pull him into a hug. He was always my favourite out of all of Elijah's friends. He knew everything that happened between us and even put Elijah in his place several times. But over the summer I changed my number and we just lost touch.

"I missed you too Cami. Where've you been?" He asks, his voice laced with confusion as he steps back. "I know you and Elijah broke up at the beginning of the summer but he hasn't said anything about you after that. What happened? I heard from some people that you're dating Spooky now."

I inhale a sharp breath and lean against the counter, dropping my gaze to the beer bottle in my hands. "A lot happened and I don't really wanna talk about it. I just wanna have fun for once. The past six months have been brutal."

"Hey, it's fine. But if Eli did something, you have to tell me. I'll go kick his dumbass right now." I exhale a breathy chuckle at his words as I look up. I know he's not lying because he kicked Elijah's ass at least five times while we were dating.

"I will don't worry. Tonight's about having fun." I say with a smirk, lifting my beer bottle off the counter. "And nobody knows how to have fun like you."

Demetrius smiles and bows before saying, "Why thank you, Miss Martinez." He sighs and loops his arm through mine. "I really missed my drinking buddy."

"I know Tri, I missed you too." He wrinkles his nose at the old nickname I used to call him, making me laugh. "Do you prefer Deema?"

"Bitch you know I don't. That's the ugliest nickname ever!" He exclaims, pretending to throw up. "Call me that again and I won't give you your best friend back."

I furrow my eyebrows. What the hell is he talking about? "Best friend?" I ask confusedly as he unloops our arms and digs through the pockets of his jeans. My heart drops as my eyes land on the small bag in his hands. So many faded memories come rushing back as I whisper, "Demetrius you know I stopped doing that shit."

"Yeah I know but come on, this used to be our thing!" He says with a pout. My heart begins to beat faster as I exhale an uneven breath. He's a good guy, but his addiction will be the end of him.

I shake my head and fold my arms over my chest. I clear my throat before speaking, "Don't you remember what happened that one time? Elijah was so pissed. Why don't you go ask him to do it with you?"

Demetrius scoffs with a roll of his eyes. "Nah, Elijah's clean, he stopped using." So he wasn't lying. "This party ain't even his idea. It was Andre's." That makes so much sense. That's why he didn't tell me.

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