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"SO, HOW WAS your day?" I hear Ruby's anxious voice ask. I look up from my phone and see him awkwardly standing in the doorway of my room.

"It was fine," I reply with a shrug. "Why do you seem nervous?"

"Well, Mario probably doesn't want me to tell you but I saw Spooky today." My breath hitches in my throat as I hastily sit up, dangling my legs over the edge of the bed.

So he can talk to my younger brother but not to me? He can't even send me a text, but his younger brother- who he kicked out- can. I inhale a deep breath, trying to keep myself calm. "What did he want?"

"He wanted to see if I was okay," Ruby says hesitantly. "He seems angrier without you. I guess you calmed him down. He-he did ask about you. He wanted to know how you were doing."

"What did you say?" The words barely pass my lips as my heart beats wildly against my chest. Why would he ask about me now?

"I said you were okay and I told him to talk to you. But he said mami told him to leave you and that she gave him a whole lecture on how he's a shitty person." She shouldn't have done that. He's not a shitty person, he's actually a great person. But I can't bring myself to defend him in front of Ruby. "He actually didn't stop talking about you," Ruby chuckles lightly, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Cami he's so in love with you. But he said, being mad at the world won't help you. It'll only hurt you. And I think he was talking about you and everything that happened between you two-"

Mario's voice startles us, "Ruby," We both look towards the door where Mario and mami are standing. "That's enough, come on."

"But Mario-"

"Ruby, leave," Mami says in a stern tone, stepping into the room with her arms folded over her chest. "I need to speak to Camilla alone." Ruby gives me an apologetic look before slowly walking out of the room with Mario, and closing the door.

"Mami what do you want?" I sigh as Ruby's words spin around my head. Maybe I was wrong about Oscar. But no, since when has he actually listened to anyone? The least he can do is send me a text.

"Camilla," She starts with a sigh as she sits down next to me on my bed. "I need you to know that everything I've done, was to protect you. Oscar's part of a gang, for god's sake he runs the Santos. And after everything that you've gone through with Elijah and the Prophets, I just don't want you to get hurt again."

"Oscar would never hurt me. You heard Ruby, he's in love with me. The truce happened because of him. Me and Ruby are safe because of him. So no mami, I don't understand why you won't let me see him!" I exclaim angrily as I stand up, turning my back to my mom and running a hand through my hair. At this point, I don't even know if I want to see Oscar again. But, I'll still defend him because he isn't a bad person and he doesn't deserve to be treated this way.

"Being affiliated with him is enough to put you in harm's way. And don't think I haven't seen that tattoo of the Santos cross on your finger! What were you thinking?! That makes you a target Camilla! If anyone has anything against him, they'll take it out on you and send you as a message. I don't want you living the rest of your life in fear." Mami counters, her voice rising from its usual calm level.

"Oscar wouldn't let anyone hurt me," I whisper, turning around to face her as I wrap my arms around myself. "He would do anything to keep me safe."

"He didn't do anything that night. The person that shot you is still out there and what has Oscar done about it? Absolutely nothing." She pauses to inhale a deep breath. "Camilla I love you so much, and the last thing I want is for you to get hurt again. So, you need to stay away from Oscar."

BEAUTIFUL DISASTER ➸ OSCAR DIAZ [2]Where stories live. Discover now