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IT'S A NEW YEAR, and it's time to move on. It's time to let go of the past.

I repeat that mantra over and over again in my head as I step out of Mario's car and inhale a shaky breath. If the shooting hadn't happened, then Oscar would've been the one dropping me off for the first day back. No, let's not think about him. I spin around to face the car as I slip my shoulder bag on; wearing an actual backpack hurts my shoulders too much.

"If you need me or if anything happens, I'm just a phone call away okay?" Mario says, trying his best to keep up a strong front. "You know I don't want you out of my sight but what can I do." He sighs, muttering the words.

"Mario, I'm going to be fine. It's just school." I say with a fake smile. "What's the worst that could happen?"

He opens his mouth to say something -mostly like to shut me up with some facts- but hastily shuts it. He rubs his hand down his face as he shakes his head. "Fine whatever. I'm taking Ruby to get his cast taken off, so just tell his friends he's coming late to school. But have a good day."

"Have a good day with pregnant Barbie," I say in a teasing tone. He rolls his eyes and mimics me before driving away with a smile still on his face. I turn around and scan the parking lot, looking for anyone that I know. Unfortunately for me, I don't see anyone. Great.

With a deep breath, I head towards the stairs that lead into the school and try to ignore everyone's extremely obvious staring. Yes me and my brother got shot, yes I broke up with Spooky, big deal.

"Did you hear? The Prophets are having a party tonight!" The conversation occurring between two Juniors catches my attention almost immediately. I glance at them from the corner of my eye as I slowly walk up the steps.

"Hell yeah, Elijah throws the best parties!" Elijah's throwing a party and he didn't invite me? He said he wanted space but I didn't think he actually meant it.

"Camilla hey! This school is like a maze, holy shit." Mateo greets me with an anxious expression as I reach the top of the steps. "I'm so glad I found you."

My lips stretch into a smile. "Ugh so am I. I can't find anyone." I sigh, running a hand through my hair as I look around the busy hallway. Luckily enough, I spot the fam. "Never mind, come on. Let me introduce you to my friends." His eyes widen but he nods his head and follows me to the group of kids that I had basically grown up with.

"Oye Cami, quién es el Cholo?" Cesar asks with a raised eyebrow as we reach the group. I notice that his arm is wrapped around Monse's shoulders, and that makes me smile. Finally, it took a really long time but at least they're together now.
[translation: hey Cami, who's the cholo?]

But before I have the chance to introduce Mateo, he responds to Cesar's question in perfect Spanish, "Soy Mateo y hablo español." Both Cesar and I look over at Mateo with a shocked expression, I didn't think he could speak Spanish that well. "What? Do I look like I can't speak Spanish?" He asks jokingly as he runs his hand through his hair.
[translation: I'm Mateo, and I speak Spanish.]

"Yeah man, you kinda do," Sam says with a chuckle as he steps away from his conversation with Jamal and joins ours instead. "I'm Sam by the way." Mateo shakes his outstretched hand with a polite smile.

"I'm Cesar, and you seem really familiar," Cesar says, giving him a simple head nod instead of shaking his hand.

"Mateo's a really common name." He shrugs, briefly glancing over at me as he shoves his hands into the front pockets of jeans.

"Nah I know, but there's just something else. Where'd you move from?" Cesar asks with a frown. Knowing this boy, he's going to interrogate the shit out of Mateo just like his brother would have.

However, Mateo isn't stupid and catches on to Cesar's plan, "Okay so you want to know my entire life story?" Mateo scoffs, looking down at his shoes for a moment before looking back up at Cesar. "I moved here from Oakland, that's near Berkeley which also happens to be the University that my brother attends. My parents got in a really bad car accident last year and they're both still in the hospital, so I'm staying in Freeridge for a while with a family friend."

My jaw drops open as I look over at Mateo. Cesar shouldn't have forced him to say all that. "Mateo I'm so sorry," I whisper, placing my hand on his shoulder before glaring at Cesar. Mateo gives me a fake smile as Cesar rolls his eyes. What the hell is Cesar's problem?

"I apologize for Cesar's behaviour and I'm so sorry for what happened to your parents. It must suck to have to move so far away. I'm Monse and the boy who's now walking away with Sam is Jamal." I look over and sure enough, Monse's right. Sam and Jamal are leaving together and are probably talking about the RollerWorld money that they found. That's the only thing that either of them ever talk about.

"Hey, it's whatever. They're slowly getting better." Mateo shrugs as he rocks back and forth on his heels.

"Um so, the Prophets are throwing a party tonight. Do any of you want to go?" I swiftly change the subject before Cesar has the chance to throw more uncomfortable questions at Mateo. Cesar and Monse look at each other with confused expressions before raising an eyebrow at me.

"They'll kill me if I show up on their side, or did you just forget that?" Cesar scoffs, looking over at Mateo when he says the last part. Him and his brother are such little kids; they both get annoyed when I give someone other than them attention.

"Since when do you go to Prophet parties again? Are you and Elijah back together?" Monse asks curiously, prompting Mateo to turn his head towards me.

"As in Elijah Jones?" He asks hesitantly. Cesar gives him a strange look, so he explains how he knows Elijah's name. "The person I'm staying with told me about the gangs."

"No, we're not together again. I just heard some kids talking about it outside and it sounds cool. I was friends with some of the Prophets and it would fun to reconnect." I shrug, fiddling with the strap of my bag as I swivel my eyes around the small group.

Cesar shakes his head with a loud sigh. "Do whatever the fuck you want Camilla. It's not like you're going to listen to us anyway."

"Cesar," I sigh as he bumps his shoulder against mine as he stomps away. "It's not even that big of a deal!" I exclaim after him, but he doesn't turn around.

"I'll go deal with him. But you shouldn't go, Camilla, what if something happens?" Monse says, nervously glancing at Mateo, who looks confused.

"Elijah will be there. It's his party." I attempt to reassure her, but even I know that what I said is pathetic.

"Since when has Elijah done anything good?" Monse states before walking away and leaving me with several doubts. She's right, going to this party is a bad idea. Elijah is just like Oscar; both of them like to act tough in front of their friends. So if anything does happen, I doubt Elijah would say anything. But no, he's changing and becoming a better person. But then again, can I really trust him after everything that's happened?

"I don't think going to this party is a good idea," Mateo says hesitantly, yanking me away from my internal debate.

I shake my head and sigh quietly. "I don't want to talk about it anymore. Let's just find your classes." I mumble, swivelling my eyes around the hallway. But the glimpse of a bright red car through the window instantaneously catches my attention. I bring my eyes back to the window and the second that I do, the car drives off. But it doesn't matter, I know it was him. Nobody else on the block has the same car as him.

A/N : y'all are NOT ready for the next chapter. it's wild as fuck. but I love Mateo he's so adorable 🥰

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