Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

A day off. She didn't need to worry about being late or cleaning tables or making coffee for a whole day. She could enjoy the warmer weather and the world outside of her flat and outside of the small coffee shop on the corner.

Right now, she was enjoying it in bed. Her eyes closed, her heart steady and the ghost of a smile over her lips. It was as though even in her sleep she knew she had all the time in the world. She didn't have to get up early even though she knew she would, but that wasn't the point. She didn't need to.

The soft golden glow of the morning sun shined through the peak of her blinds, situated perfectly to shine in her eyes but she didn't care. It was like her own personal alarm from the sun to awaken her and her smile tugged wider just before she let out a yawn. She could feel goosebumps on her arm because of the chill in her room and she reluctantly pulled herself out of bed to open her blinds.

Only a small part of her room had gotten the bright sunlight and she changed that when she drew back the curtains allowing her entire room to be engulfed in the warm summers glow. She pulled the blanket off of her bed, sitting at her window on the seat she had made from an old bench she had found and leaned against the wall. The distant sounds of horns and loud voices filled her ears and she seemed calm just listening to it.

The sun had barely risen but it was her favourite time of day. She hated the thought of waking up, preferring to get as much sleep as possible but she really did love mornings. She loved the thought of a world unaware, a city barely busy much like it was. It was peaceful and almost beautiful and if she had any artistic abilities she'd draw the skyline and the sun behind it.

She decided after ten minutes of just sitting there to finally get up. She didn't need to follow her routine today, and she knew that she wasn't going to. She could go out and get breakfast and explore the city more than she already had. Her day off was a treat day for her, a day for her to spend money that she earned and get something new. To go to a nice little café, not the one she worked at but one near the waterfront, or Oxford Street, or Carnaby Street.

She could go anywhere.

She couldn't help but let her mind wander as she picked out her outfit for the day ahead. She decided that being comfortable was her main goal considering she'd be walking a lot throughout the day. Her denim shorts seemed like the best option paired with a tight top she had managed to find at the back of her wardrobe.

She remembered buying it, but she hardly wore it.

Her morning started off great, and she seemed truly happy for the first time in a long time. She hardly took days off, even though she was entitled to them and she had to have them, she would always find some excuse to go back to the café and work in order to keep her mind off of things.

She knew she needed a break, though, and as she got dressed for the day ahead she knew today would be the best break she'd have in a long time. Her music played in the living room, and she danced along.

Her mind had wandered a few times, wondering if Remus had shown up at the café - if he thought she'd be there...if he even thought about returning to the café at all. The fact that Remus even knew who she was at all was surprising in the first place, it meant he recognised her even in school and that shocked her more.

She felt like a teenager again, thinking of something so silly that could possibly make her happy. She knew her teenage self would be ecstatic to know that Remus Lupin knew who she was, but now it just surprised her. She wasn't ecstatic, or excited - he was just a man she knew, or rather, knew of.

She didn't know a thing about Remus except some of the nightmare he had been through, and he didn't know a thing about her. They were strangers above anything, but that didn't stop him from being nice. It was almost refreshing to see him, and as much as she forced herself to stick to her routine - to not use magic and to just live her life day to day...she knew that she wouldn't last very long doing that.

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