Love Yourself

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I grew up thinking I took up too much space.
Apologising, minimising, denying my body what it needs.
I was never tall enough, short enough, thin enough, fit enough,
I was just never enough.

I painted my face pretty colours, filled in the cracks, like I'm supposed to.
Doctored photographs screamed judgment,
displayed in shiny magazines of hate. 

By the time you get to a place where all the falsehoods have a name,
it's too late.  The damage is done.  The damage is done.

So, I say to you my precious one, you are enough,
more than enough, if enough was enough you'd still be more.
Don't compare or allow others to compare you.
Be thankful and patient with the body you were born into.

Love yourself.  You are loved.  Love yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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