PART 6: "Late Night"

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Hey everyone, this part takes place within half an hour, no jumps in time or anything which isn't easy but was fun to do. All I'm saying about this part other than that is prepare yourselves, and I mean it lol.

So I have some news regarding this FanFiction. I didn't want to let you all know too soon and I think now's a good time to say it. This FanFiction will have only 10 parts. Originally this was only going to have 3 parts but I extended it to 4. Then I extended it to 10. This isn't a last minute decision, I decided this around about part 2.

The reason behind only doing 10 parts is because one, it's how I'm telling this story as it takes place over like a month and a half ish. Secondly, I don't want this fanfic to go stale and go on and on and on. It's best to end on a high note. I had the ending of this fanfic figured since the start of it and it's a pretty good one. So what does that mean after this fanfic ends? Well don't worry, I'll still be writing Luna and Sam FanFiction in the form of Luna x Sam which is my newest fan fic (link in the comments below). That will be ongoing for a while I'd say lol.

Ending this FanFiction isn't because I am bored with it. That isn't the case at all, I love this fanfic and the universe I have created. And I think that some things end better if done while they are still at a high point. But hey, when this fanfic does end; it doesn't mean goodbye. It just means see you later ;)


Luna slowly opened her eyes and stretched a little. Her head felt a little fuzzy and it would be a lie if she was a little confused. Luna's eyes looked at the walls of the room she were in. It took a moment or two to realize she was in Sam's bedroom. But something seemed odd. Almost as if she couldn't see the walls. Luna suddenly realized that Sam wasn't beside her when her eyes fell onto the empty space next to her. Luna was confused as she looked over at the clock which read: 03:23 am in the morning. She instantly wondered where Sam was at this time. Curiosity getting the better of her, Luna climbed out of bed and left the room. She walked downstairs and paused on the second to last step when she heard a noise. However, it wasn't a sound she was expecting. It were sobbing. Instantly, Luna's face changed to a concerned state. 'Did she have another panic attack?' Luna thought to herself before starting to worry.

Luna jumped down and ran into the sitting room where Sam was. She found Sam sitting on the sofa with her hands covering her face. "Sam?" Luna said softly before rushing over and sitting beside her. Luna wrapped her arms round her and pulled her so then Sam were leaning against Luna. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Luna half whispered, scared of what was wrong. "I-It's m-my parents Luna" Sam stuttered, struggling to calm down. Luna hugged her tightly, fearing the worst. The pair didn't speak as Sam sobbed. Luna just kept her hold on Sam, hoping it would eventually calm her down.

Sam's sobbing seemed to ease a little but she was still distraught over something. "It's my parents Lunes... They said that they want to move back to our old home" Sam revealed in a shaky voice. "W-what?" Luna stammered in shock. Her heart instantly felt like it were crushed. Luna's stomach hurt and her head felt dizzy. "I-I don't understand" Luna added in a shaky voice. "I'm leaving Luna, I'm going back" Sam told Luna, looking at her with teary eyes and red cheeks. "I don't want to leave, I don't want to leave you Lunes" Sam added, her eyes tearing up. All Luna could do was pull her into her arms again as Sam began crying again.

"When?" Luna managed to utter, trying not to choke up on her words. "I'm being picked up t-tomorrow afternoon" Sam half whispered. "H-how long for?" Luna asked, her bottom lip quivering as her heart just seeming ripped more and more in two. Sam didn't respond. She didn't have too. Going by the silence, she knew the answer and it destroyed her inside.

Luna's eyes watered up with tears, not knowing what to think or say. The side of her face rested on top of Sam's head as tears slowly fell. The girl she had fallen in love with was leaving and she couldn't take it. Luna could not take losing Sam. Sam could not lose Luna either. They love each other so much. And even though they had never said it, it was what they felt for each other. 'I-I can't lose her... I can't' Luna internally wept, wanting to disappear into darkness and not wanting to ever be found. Sam sniffed a few times as she tried to compose herself.

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