PART 9: "In The Clouds..."

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Merry Christmas everyone! I thought I'd post this part on Christmas Eve as my present to you all.

So if you didn't know already; I like to incorporate chapter names or something connected to a book with what I am writing. Whether it be calling chapter titles something that is related or said in that same chapter. Well, this is one of those cases. But slightly different. So another Wattpad writer gave me the idea to incorporate/tie in the cover of this fanfiction within a part. Which is what I've done in this part. So thank you @Phinbellafan94 for the idea!


Sam's eyes slowly opened. It felt so warm and comfy in her bed. She sighed in content as she rolled over onto her back to face the ceiling. Her mind drifted back to the previous evening. Sam remembered it all in detail. She could not believe she was now going out with the coolest and most beautiful girl she had ever met. The girl who makes her laugh and blush. Who is not only an amazing singer but an incredible musician. Thinking of her made Sam sigh again; leaving a smile on her face.

Luna opened her eyes, yawned and stretched. As she rubbed her eyes, flashes of the previous evening caused her to smile. Luna couldn't believe she was now together with Sam. It brought a whole new feeling to her life. She then became confused when she realized how quiet it was. Her siblings would usually be running around, screaming. They were literally her alarm clock. Luna grabbed her phone and sent a text.

Luna: Morning Sam!

Sam saw her phone light up on the side. She grabbed her phone and saw the text from Luna. She instantly smiled and went to reply.

Sam: Morning Lunes!

Luna: Did you sleep well dude?

Sam: Sure did! You?

Luna: Sweet! Same

Sam: Awesome!

Luna: It's so weird here right now, my house is so quiet. My siblings are usually causing chaos and waking me up

Sam: Weird, maybe Luan scared everyone away with a prank or something xD

Luna: Maybe! Hey, you wanna come over?

Sam: Sure!

Luna: Sweet! See ya soon Sammy!

Sam: Later Lunes!

Luna smiled and placed her phone back down. She sighed happily and closed her eyes again; remembering what happened the previous evening.


The sky was filled with dots spread throughout with half a moon shining. It was so open and empty. Nothing could describe how breathtaking space looked in the sky. The peacefulness matched how Luna and Sam were currently, laying underneath the night sky. Neither Luna nor Sam had kissed anyone before. But their first ever kiss under the night sky was enough to say it were their best kiss ever. 

"You know Lunes, they say sometimes the stars make shapes and sometimes images" Sam said softly, staring up at the sky with her hands on her stomach. "Really?" Luna asked. "Yeah dude, I think it's so sweet. People see all sorts. Animals, cars, people, love hearts" Same replied, blushing a little. "Sounds really sweet" Luna agreed, her eyes locked onto the many stars above. They then fell silent as they stared at the stars in the sky. This moment felt as though it was lasting an eternity. Something the pair wished for very much.


After her last message, Sam quickly got ready for the day. She grabbed a shower, did her hair, got dressed and quickly ate breakfast. Sam grabbed her house keys and guitar and left the house. With a big smile on her face, she made her way across the road.

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