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Hello everyone !!!
If you are here, I already wanted to thank you. ❤️
There was a time I had this idea to write one shot of a Bradga moment and then I finally let the words roll. Although it is only one chapter, it is quite long with 3680 words. I really wish you would enjoy this story.
Votes and comments mean a lot. Maybe I'll write more stories like that.

It's 6:15 a.m. and I'm sitting on the bench in my kitchen having my breakfast. Again my mind is spinning around a name: Bradley. It has been like this in the last few months since I met him. At first it was just a excitement because of the movie, I thought, but now he just does not leave my head. Bradley is my first thought when I wake up and the last one when I go to sleep. Our chemistry was immediate, from the first time he came to my house, we were approaching, seeing each other and becoming great friends. Bradley is that kind of guy you can trust and vent on anything, it makes you feel comfortable and always has the best hug to give you support. I don't know when I fell in love with him, nor do I know when I realized what I felt, what I can say is that it has been very hard to hide. I can't losehis friendship, not to mention that we are both committed to other people. I was lost in thought and I got up to pour myself more coffee. I started to remember the scene we recorded the day before, it was a sex scene in the tub, I had my breasts exposed against Bradley's chest, our mouths devouring each other, my body feeling a shower of shivers, so I move on his lap and feel his cock growing. I held myself so I didn't moan as I felt the erection so close to my private part. Was I provoking that at Bradley? Did he feel the same as me? Did he want as much as I did to taste the other?

"Honey, what are you doing? You're spilling all the coffee!" I hear Christian's voice approaching me and my mind comes back to reality.

"Oh my gosh!" I realize that while I was thinking about Bradley's erection, I continued to fill my coffee mug and spilled it all.

"What a mess did you do, baby! I think someone is very distracted today, what were you thinking?" Christian said helping Stefani clean the dirt.

"Just thinking about the scenes we're going to record today, I was rehearsing my lines in my head."

"Don't worry, love! Sure you're being perfect in every scene, do you want help to memorize something?" Christian hugs her back, beginning to kiss her on the neck.

"No, baby! Actually I have to go now. See you later, okay?" Stefani spoke with a light kiss on Christian and left soon after.


Stefani had finished another day of shooting and was now in her trailer. She decided to take a shower before going to her house, she needed to relax her body that was tense after spending the day trying not to imagine her mouth on Bradley's lips or anything. She put on a song and headed for the bathroom. After letting her body dampen the tension with hot water Stefani felt better and was now singing the songs they played on her mini stereo speakers. She would wear her clothes, get her things, and go home.


As he passed near Stefani's trailer, Bradley noticed the sound of a Jazz song and smiled at the sound of the voice singing along with the melody. He loved that voice! Bradley decided to enjoy that moment with Stefani before saying goodbye to her and give a hug good night. He went to the front of the trailer door and knocked, no response from Stefani and he then knocked again.

"Stef, can I come in?" She did not answer again, she was probably not listening to the beat because of the sound. Then he opened the door and began to follow the music ...

"Stef, I heard you sing and I decided to give you a good..."

Bradley stopped walking and talking when he saw Stefani on her back ... naked! All of her curves and tattoos exposed on a body he imagined was from a goddess, was simply perfect.

JUST TONIGHT - One Shots - BradgaWhere stories live. Discover now