Four - We'll fight

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Hello everyone 🙋🏼‍♀️ how are u?
So I wrote this One Shot with a bit of drama, different from the other three first ones. It was also the longest with 4600 words 😮🤭
It's worth remembering that it's all fiction and fantasy. My imagination flies 😂😂😂
Leave comments with what you found about the chapter. They help me think the next I can write...
Thanks for reading 😘❤️

"Stef, I'm so happy for you! It's was all so perfect, the whole world is talking about your entrance and the change of looks!" Bobby spoke hugging Gaga as she arrived in her dressing room to prepare to go on stage and open the night of the Met Gala

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"Stef, I'm so happy for you! It's was all so perfect, the whole world is talking about your entrance and the change of looks!" Bobby spoke hugging Gaga as she arrived in her dressing room to prepare to go on stage and open the night of the Met Gala.

"Met Gagaaaa, baby !!!!" Sarah spoke with enthusiasm aloud.

"Thank you, babies! It was really amazing, right? I'm very happy!" Stefani replied sitting in her chair in front of the mirror.

Sarah watched her friend through the mirror and felt something was missing for Stefani's happiness to sound totally true.

"Well, I need to get out now and make some calls. Good work, Stefani! I'm always proud of you!" Bobby said as he prepared to leave the dressing room.

"Thanks for everything, Bobby! Always!" She threw a kiss in the air.

As soon as Bobby closed the door, Sarah approached Stefani standing next to her.

"Something else to say, Stef?" Sarah asked expecting a sincere response from Stefani.

"He didn't come." She replied not hiding her feelings, Stefani knew she and Sarah had this connection and strong friendship, she couldn't lie or hide her thoughts from her.

"Who?" Sarah knew who her friend was referring to, but she wanted Stefani to speak to confirm her theory.

"Bradley... he... he didn't come!" Stefani spoke in a low voice, her gaze showing her disappointment.

"What do you mean? I saw a photo on the internet of Irina landing for pictures on her arrival in a Burberry dress." Sarah felt a little confused.

"She came, but without him. And I don't know if it was even more uncomfortable to greet her without Bradley around. It was weird and I think everyone who was close to it noticed." Stefani spoke as she took off her boots to rest for a bit.

"Wow, that must have been really weird!"

There was a minute of silence. Sarah tweaked Stefani's makeup and then spoke again.

"Stef, what's going on between you and Bradley? I know you have not talked about it, but are you guys still talking?"

Stefani looked at the floor and took a deep breath to hold back the tears. "I don't even know what's happening, Sarah! I think he's avoiding me and I did not want to be missing him so much."

"Have not you talked?" Sarah asked with genuine concern.

"No." Stefani replied sadly. "I think he didn't come because he don't want to see me."

JUST TONIGHT - One Shots - BradgaWhere stories live. Discover now