Three - Anything to help

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Firstly, I want to thank everyone who voted and commented on the latest One Shot published. It means a lot and encourages me to write more. Thank u ❤️
I didn't think I was going to write another story for now, because I haven't had time yet to finish my other book. But you know, I had this idea and it was stronger than me 😂😂 I needed to write. I didn't intend to do any continuation of One shot, I would leave separate stories. But let me know what you think and what you want.
I hope you enjoy it 😘😘

It was a normal Wednesday like any other, the recordings of the movie A star is born continued in full steam, not only the director Bradley was excited, but the whole cast of the film

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It was a normal Wednesday like any other, the recordings of the movie A star is born continued in full steam, not only the director Bradley was excited, but the whole cast of the film. As Bradley shouted "cut" in the last scene of the day, he wandered his gaze across the set looking for Stefani. He saw her silhouette from a distance and realized she was talking to Sam Elliot. Bradley walked towards them and hugged Stefani by the back surprising her.

"Omg, Brad, you scared me!" She laughed and everyone did the same.

"Sorry, it was not my intention! You did a great job today again, I'm very proud!" He said holding her tighter and leaving a light kiss on her shoulder.

"Thank you, Brad! Thank you both!" She said pointing at Sam as well. "You teach me a lot and I'm very grateful, it's a pleasure to work and learn from you two." She turned and kissed Bradley on the cheek, then stepped out of his embrace and headed toward Sam, giving him a kiss on his cheek as well.

"No need to thank you, my dear! You have so much talent and are very committed to what you do on set. The results of your work are fruits of your effort and you deserve all the praise." Sam spoke looking into her eyes.

"Thank you! You became a great friend that I want to keep beyond the movie." Stefani spoke touching Sam's arms, a tear falling from her eye.

Bradley cleared his throat and made a noise for attention.

"You don't have to be jealous, Brad! You know how grateful I am to you too, and I'm proud to say you're one of my best friends." She said hugging him.

"Okay, I'm very tired and this conversation is making me very emotional. I'm going home, I'll see you tomorrow!" The old man said.

"Good night, Sam! See you tomorrow!" Bradley said.

"See you tomorrow, Sam! Good rest! I love you!" Stefani spoke still hugging Bradley.

"I love you too, honey! Bye!" Sam spoke as he walked away and waved to both of them.

"Are you very tired, Stef? I thought we could go to my home and rehearse a few songs and discuss the next scenes we're going to shoot." Bradley said coming out of the hug.

"I'm not tired, actually I'm excited. I think it would be difficult to sleep with so many thoughts in my head, rehearsing the songs would do me good and I love the mini studio that you did in your house for rehearsals. But..."

JUST TONIGHT - One Shots - BradgaWhere stories live. Discover now