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*asher let go off annie*

Annie: imma go change

*annie went to her closet and picked a hoodie she went on the bathroom and changed*
*when she got out she had Christian's hoodie on and she sat on the bed and smelled Christian's hoodie*

Carson: missing him?

Annie: huh?oh yeah...

* annie facetimed christian*

Christian: hey anns

Annie: hey chris wyd?

Christian: trying to convince myself to get out of the room,ohh i see you have my hoodie on..

Annie: yeah it makes me think you are here

Christian: i have your scrunchie it reminds me of you

*shows his hand on the camera with a scrunchie*

Annie: well that was my favorite one

Christian: sorry?

Annie: at least you have it

Christian: any good news lately

Annie: well i'm acting in some youtube series

Christian: aw i'm happy for you

Annie: thanks what about you?

Christian: well i'm recording a song

Annie: really?

Christian: yeah

Annie: aww i'm happy for you

Christian: i love you

Annie: i love you too as a friend

Christian: obviously

*they talked about 1 hour*

*christian's mom called him*

Christian: anns i gtg

Annie: ok,bye

Christian: bye love ya

Annie: love you too

*ends the facetime*

*that day was boring as fuck,let's skip to the next morning*

*it was sunday morning*

*annie woke up and wore an casual outfit and putted her hair in a messy bun and she didn't put makeup on yet cause she was putting make up on set andshe was feeling a little bit sick today so she went downstairs to make a coffe since her parents left early today like always*

*annie woke up and wore an casual outfit and putted her hair in a messy bun and she didn't put makeup on yet cause she was putting make up on set andshe was feeling a little bit sick today so she went downstairs to make a coffe since her parents l...

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