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*after 2 weeks*
annie's pov
this two weeks were amazing,
I introduced jay to one of my friends on set,her name is indiana she's so sweet and they have been getting along very well and i'm happy for him,carson and lilia act like they met yesterday all flirty,kenzie and johnny do the same thing,jayden and connor have been going out just the two of them those past weeks so i didn't get to talk to them,they wanted to spend time just the two of them,hayden and tegan have been good,and lastly me and asher well we have this dating thing going on between us but only me and him know that,we haven't told anyone,we have been all flirty around each-other and some of our friends seem to notice that something's going on between us,he's also protective he's always by my side and supporting me and i love that,we have been thinking to tell carson and the others but no we can't do it*

asher's pov
*so these past weeks me and annie have become more close and more flirty around each-other,i really want to tell carson but i won't until i ask her to be my gf,i've been planing this for 1 week and i'm going to ask her today,but i'm nervous*

*no one's pov*

*we were all home after school,i was sitting in my room thinking of how would carson react if i told him i'm dating asher,then my phone ringed and snapped me back to reality it was a text from asher*

hey anns
get ready for tonight i'm gonna pick you up at 7:30 p.m i have something planned for us

but ash,how am i going to
sneak out?

i told carson we'll be on set today so no worries sweetie

okay well see ya at 7:30p.m

bye baby
seen by annie

(skip time cause bruh i'm lazy af)

*it's already 7:30,annie wore a white casual long dress it looked so beautiful on her,she did her makeup and did her hair in braids,she was waiting for asher when carson told her to come downstairs and she saw asher there and he looked shocked?*

asher: wow annie you look...beautiful

*carson fake coughts*

asher: yeah carson ur beautiful too but wow annie

*annie giggled*

annie: aww thanks ash, you don't look to bad yourself

carson: thanks i know asher

*they all laughed*

annie: so we should head to set

carson: yeah bye byee

*annie and asher got in asher's car,asher was holding annie's hand the whole way,they arrived at the beach,asher closed annie's etes and leaded her the way,annie opened her eyes and saw a table and two chairs in the sand if the beach,it had food candles on the table,there were light all over the place it was amazing,it also had rose petals and a blanket for annie if she felt cold*
annie's pov

annie: omg asher it's amazing

asher: now all i need you to do is follow those rose petals

*we left the table and i followed the rose petals,asher was staying behind me,it was a long way until we arrived at the place,it was a heart made with rose petals and all our memories and photos were inside the heart,wow,then asher turned me around and he had a letter in his heads it said,"Julianna grace leblanc i really love you,will you blessings my life and be my girlfriend?"
my eyes were tearing from happiness,i jumped in his arms and pecked a kiss in his lips and said*

annie: of course i'll be ur girlfriend asher dov angel and i love you too

*asher didn't say a thing just kissed me again,we pulled away slowly and went back to the table we ate food and talked and laughed then we decided to leave and go home hopefully we will find everyone there and tell them about our relationship i finally got the best boyfriend i'll ever ask for,so we got into his car and drived home,we went inside my house and carson,lilia,jayden,connor,kenzie and johnny were there,they all seem to be in a happy mood and i think it's the perfect time*

annie: hey guys

carson: hey guys how did the set go?

asher: we weren't on set actually

carson: what so you mean

asher: we have to tell u guys something

*asher and i amiled at each-other and sat down,carson looked confused but also happy*

annie: so guys some of you have noticed hiw me and asher have been all flirty around each-other recently

carson: everyone noticed that just spill it out

asher: okay,the day when the kiss happened,i asked annie out,we were dating this whole time,but we didn't want to tell u yet

annie: but,asher asked me to be his girlfriend earlier and ofc i said yes,but we wanted to talk to u carson

carson: i'm ahocked about what?

asher: i want your approval if i can be annie's boyfriend?

carson: hmm let me see....

annie: cars—

carson: shh anns i'm thinking

annie: wow u have a brain?

*they all burst out laughing*

carson: you came here and aaked for my approval and now urr making fun of me?

annie: no i'm sorry i swear it was just a joke carsonnn

carson: fine let me think then

*they stayed in silent for almost 5 minutes,none of them wanted to talk so they don't ruin everything,annie and asher were holding hands and thinking what carson will say,carson was as confused and shocked as the others where he didn't have an idea for what to say,he looked up at asher and annie who were looking at each-other and smiling,he snapped back and said*

carson: i made my decision....

hey guyss
so here u have it,ashannie..
you guys have been dming me saying when is ashannie's gonna happend so here it is
just so you know this book will be ending soon so yeah
and btw what do you think carson said:
1: yes
3:i'll tell u tmrrw..

see ya later



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