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*her head was BLEEDING*

Annie: what the hell owww..

Carson: shot i'm sorry annie

*annie walks to the bathroom,she cleans her head and walks to her room,carson went to see if she's okay*

Carson: annie..

Annie: get out carson

Carson: i'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you

Annie: who shouts to someone who is asleep

Carson: i'm sorry

Annie: fine apology accepted

Carson: come downstairs,we came to stay with u and Christian

Annie: no i'm just gonna send christian in the guests room and then i'm gonna come and get some sleep my head really hurts

Carson: okay

*they went downstairs*

*all of them were sitting on the floor staying on their phones,while Christian was asleep,annie went to christian to wake him up*

Annie: Christian,christian wake up
*whisper shouts*

Christian: anns i'm tired

Annie: okay go to the guests room upstairs and sleep it's across my room

Christian: fine goodnight love ya

Annie: night

*christian went upstairs and sleept*

Annie: goodnight

*the next morning*
*annie woke up and saw two arms around her waist,she turned around and saw christian sleeping next to her,she tried to get out of his grip but he stoped her*

Christian: stay here

Annie: no what if carson sees this

Christian: you are lucky i closed the door with the key

Annie: i need to go to school

Christian: what will i do without you..

Annie:just sleep i'll be back within 6 hours

Christian: okay

*annie got ready*

*annie got ready*

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