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??:hey annie

Annie: GET OUT

??: chill i just came to see you

Annie: I don't need you to come and see me jacob i don't need you

*yep,it was jacob*

Jacob: c'mon now annie

Annie: i said get out jacob

Jacob: please annie..

Annie: fine,what do you want

Jacob: i just wanted to see you

Annie: fine you saw me now leave

Jacob: but—-

Annie: leave before carson comes he won't be happy if he sees you here

Jacob: we were best friends

Annie: then we ruined our friendship thinking that it'll be better if we dated

Jacob: we can go back to the old times

Annie: no,i moved on and i have enough drama now so i need you out of my life jacob

Jacob: what about you think about it

Annie: jacob you see me in this situation and you are trying to make it worse,i know you don't do this to me i'm not in the mood rn

Jacob: you don't know me even a little bit,why would i do soemthing to hurt you huh?

Annie: please leave

Jacob: thanks for ruining my life bye

*he left*

*annie started crying a little bit cause of feeling guily for what she said to jacob,then she fell asleep*

*asher came into her room and saw her alone*

*asher wiped the tears of her eyes*

Asher: god why do you have to be so perfect julianna,i love you...

*little did he know that annie heard everything he said,she couldn't smile cause he would know she's awake*

*asher left her room*

*annie opened her eyes and smiled,she didn't want to tell anyone what she heard or else the girl will make it bigg deal,she sat on her phone and started singing let me down slowly until carson entered the room*

Carson: hey sleppy head

Annie: hey carson

Carson: c'mon we are going home

Annie: but it's not night yet,i'm supposed to go home at night..

Carson: yeah i know but i asked the doctor and he said that you can go home now

Annie: finally...:

*annie grabbed her things and they went to the car*

Annie: where's Christian?

Carson: oh he went home with asher and lilia

Annie: why was asher here?

Carson: he came to see if you were okay

Annie: oh I didn't see him..

*the way home was silent neitger of them talked,they arrived home and as soon annie opened the door someone ran and hugged her*

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