4. Bait

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As we walk through the woods towards the main house, my hands held by Talon and Blaze, I can feel their love through our bond, it helps me steady my nerves as the house comes into view.
Moving closer I can feel a selection of different spells surrounding the house and at Stone's raised hand we all stop. "Can you feel that" he asks and we all nod.
"How many levels baby?" He asks me and I concentrate on separating out the spell strands.
"Eight" I reply.
"I'm not feeling anything negative" Talon added and I agreed.
"We need to be cautious" Stone warned but a soft caress on the breeze reassures me and I take a step forward.
"Tavi!" Stone warns but I just smile at him "it's okay" I whisper and raise my hands allowing the breeze to circle through my fingers and find each layer, peeling it back to allow us entry.
"Wow" Blaze said from behind me as the spells shimmered like a heat wave in the air in front of us.
"How did you know to do that?" River questioned stopping next to me.
"I don't know, I just did what felt natural" I say, my eyes still transfixed on the shimmer.
"Welcome home baby" Stone whispers, taking my hand in his and leading me forward, up the steps and into the house.

Dust sheets cover the furniture and the curtains are all closed, giving a gloomy feel to the house.
River steps up and opens the curtains. Allowing the sun in and highlighting the family portraits on the walls, my eyes tear up as faint memories come back. I can hear the boys moving round, the swish as they open the curtains as they go room to room. But I remain in the entrance hall looking at the pictures, till Talon returns for me.
"Tavi?" I can feel him sensing my mood, my emotions bleeding through my block.
"I'm okay" I croak, the tears falling as he gathers me into his arms.
"It's okay to cry" he whispers "let it out baby, we know this is hard for you and we are all here for you".
He lets me cry till my body weakens before sweeping me up into his arms and carrying me further into the house, towards my fathers study.
They had removed all the dust sheets and Talon sat in one of the chairs keeping me on his lap, his arms a soothing band around me.

The boys gather around me and tell me what they have found in the house so far, I listen with half an ear, still feeling washed out after my emotional breakdown.

"Tavi, it's getting late, do you want to go home and come back tomorrow?" River asks kneeling at my feet.

"No, I want to stay here, can we, I mean is there food and stuff, can we find a usable room" I suddenly realise it might be impossible to stay.

"Relax baby, the house is fully operational, everything still works and there is canned food in the cupboards, despite being shut up, everything is clean and useable" Stone tells me, reading my worries. "Do you want to take a look upstairs?" he adds and I nod.

They follow me silently up the stairs and I feel my emotions rise again as nothing has changed. I can remember the noise of my family in these rooms, the scent's of mom's perfume and dad's aftershave. I open their bedroom door and can picture them there, the smell is faint but still there, I turn away and walk past the next three doors, stopping at the fourth door, my room.

The feel of Blaze's hand on my shoulder, gives me the strength to turn the handle and step inside. I can feel the tingle of magic in the room as I enter and wonder why, Blaze suddenly seeming more alert, gestures to the others and takes a firm hold of my hand.


"There's a protection spell on this room, nowhere else in the house so far has had one" he explains.

"Could it have been Tiana?"

"Its probable, but just in case we need to be aware, it just doesn't feel like the magic at the cottage"

I look around and shiver, everything is the same as when I left all those years ago, but neater, tidier, the bed made, toys put away and no dust. "Its too clean" I whisper, feeling the urge to get out of the room. "Why is it so clean?"

I lead them out of the room, pausing at the door opposite mine, my thoughts now muddled, who stayed here, it was a guest room, I think.

"Tavi, what is it?" Stone asked, stepping between me and the door.

"I can't remember who stayed in the room, my thoughts feel muddled here, but all the other rooms are clear in my mind" I tell him.

His gaze looks over my head and I feel Talon and River close in behind me, each wrapping an arm around my waist in protection as Stone turns and opens the door.

The smell of old spices drifts out into the hallway and again I think there is something I should be remembering.

Talon and River hold me tight as both Stone and Blaze step into the room, looking around carefully. "Tavi, its safe" Stone calls from inside and the boys release me to follow me into the room.

On one side a desk sits covered in letters, books and photos and I am drawn towards it, gasping as I see my family amongst the images. Stone reaches for a brown file marked with the council logo and flips it open in his hands, I gasp as his emotions hit me before his barriers drop into place.

"Stone?" I ask and I can hear the quiver of fear in my voice.

"No Tavi, I'm sorry baby, but you cant see this" he sounds pained and I nod, my heart telling me its got to do with my families deaths.

Talon's arms circle my waist and his warm breath caresses my neck "Come on baby, lets go and see what we can make to eat, while they search through this"

"Okay" I whisper and he leads me away.

I can feel the spike in emotions from the boys as they go over the paperwork on the desk and know Talon can as well, his constant touches reassuring me after each spike. We had found enough food to create a meal and it was now cooking in the oven, as Talon opened a bottle of wine to go with it, while I set the table.

The others looked drained when they finally joined us and we silently ate our meal before Stone explained what they had read.

"That's room was last used by your grandfather, but not till after the attack, he had copies of the reports, copies of the execution order and photos of the crime scene, he left some notes, the last dated five years ago, with list of names on it, from what I can tell he was tracking down those who had heard the prophecy. a number of those had lines through the names so I suspect they are deceased." he paused and I could see the frustration on his face "He also had a list of names of the who he considered guilty for what happened, Underhill is listed, as are the prince consorts, along with a few other names, there was also a map showing a number of dots but we don't know what's at those locations"

"Why did he leave here?" I ask "and where did he go?"

"I cant find a reason for him leaving or note of where he was going but I think he suspected you had escaped, I think the spell in your room is his, I think we need to go to the Penhaligon Estate as we planned but we need to be very careful, I think the paperwork was left as a clue but it could just as easily be a trap" Stone says and I sigh frustrated.

"So we go to the estate and I'll act as bait, see if we can draw him out" I offer.

"NO!" they all shout but I hold up my hand to silence them.

"We can be careful, but you know it's a good idea" I tell them, locking eyes with Stone, relieved when he finally nods, causing the others to grumble.

"But you do exactly as I say and you need to be ready to fade, if anything happens" he demands.

I nod and we get down to planning.

Seek  (Book 2 of the Hide and Seek Duet - Completed)Where stories live. Discover now