Chapter 1

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At the beginning of time, God created all life. He had made both the Heavens and the Earth and the Angels roamed free between both, mingling with Humans and living righteously. Lucifer, an ordinary Angel, who wanted to be like God in all ways, made his own firmament. His firmament was dark and in an instant, the evil that he had done consumed him. Lucifer gathered many other Angels to follow him and once they crossed the boarders into the firmament Hell, they too were immersed in wickedness. God, seeing what they had done closed the Gates of Saint Peter to all, only allowing the departed souls of man to cross its threshold. The Angels in Heaven remained holy and just. The Angels in Hell turned cruel and mangled themselves into what are known as Demons. Most people forget that there were Angels left on Earth. They became too immoral for Heaven, but none were sinful enough to live in Hell. These creatures shed their wings and lived between the two on Earth, in hiding from man. This was the beginning of the beings known as Faeries.


Chapter 1

A pair of forest green eyes scanned the bristling haystacks and the rundown stables. A person could not get far in less than a minute. Hurried footsteps were heard beyond the barn shed, making haste in the young girl’s direction. The green eyed girl ran and hid behind a mound of dry feed. Her breath was heavy from the running done to ensure her survival. A snap of a twig, a twist of the head, the deadly mistake.

“Got you!” The nine-year-old pushed the small brunette to the ground, causing her to stumble to the worn grass.

“Hey!” The girl rested her eyes upon her ambusher and best mate. “You’ve stained my dress again, William. My mother won’t like that.” She stood on her pudgy legs, brushing off the hay from her brown tatty dress. William helped her pick out the straw from her curled hair and chuckled at her determined smile. “Just because you are two years older does not mean I can’t beat you this time.”

“Give it up. I am a boy which means I will always beat you.” The little girl stuck her tongue out at her best friend. “And I cannot stay much longer. My mum says I have only until sunset to play which is almost upon us and you have your horses to feed.”

“Oh no, I had forgotten about them.” She pouted and furrowed her brows. Her parents would not be pleased. She could already feel the pain that was to come. “I am going to see you tomorrow though, right?”

“Evera, you will surely see me every day!” Evera smiled with not only her face, but with her heart. The two shook hands as competitors and parted ways going to their own homestead.

Their days of childhood went much like this; everyday playing capture, mudslinging, and each laughing at the other while trying to make the more unsightly face.

Evera grew, as all girls must grow, into a slimmer figure, though not quite womanly. Her hair had grown to her waistline and her face became more slender. She was on her way to being a beautiful woman. Her comrade’s height had increase too, and his manly body was becoming more and more apparent. His shaggy strawberry blonde hair fell to his shoulders. He was beginning to take notice in his best mate’s attractiveness. He told no one of this but kept it hidden away in his adolescent heart.

On Evera’s tenth birthday in June, the lively child was allowed to spend only that day to wander around the outskirts of the ancient woodland, free of all chores. Evera’s heart soared with joy at the mentioning of the day’s freedom. Unbeknownst to Evera’s mother and father, William’s parents granted him permission to accompany her, feeling he might better protect her if any trouble were to happen. Before he left, his mother gave him a kiss on the head and wished him a cheerful day.

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