Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Before long, the men started towards the two, torches and weapons at the ready. The Fae’s heightened hearing twitched her ear as she heard the chasing footsteps.

“We must go.” She grabbed the young man’s arm and pulled him away from the nearing men. Her eyesight was renewed in the night. She could she where she was heading, only having to slow down for William to make up the distance between. The air seemed fresher, the sounds brighter, the smells more prominent. Her sense of the world had increased by tenfold. She drank in the night as if she could let nature seep into her skin.

The outlaws’ footsteps were gaining as William and Evera tried to make their way stealthily through the night’s undergrowth. Branches clawed at the two, leaving cuts and scrapes on their arms. Evera slowed to a stop as she spotted a large bush, big enough to hide in and not be seen. She shoved her companion towards the mouth of the opening and crawled in after him, her new wings snaring on twigs and stems as she did. She wrapped her pearlescent limbs around her body like a shawl and grabbed for William’s arm. Both were out of breath and sweating from their escape.

“What is this? What has happened? How--?”

“Shh,” Evera urged her friend. “They are coming.”

The men caught up to the space just outside their hiding spot. Robin led the group with the short sword she had seen in his hovel in one hand and a burning stick to light his way. One of the more portly men was heavily breathing, bent over and resting his arms and head on a tree.

“What are we doin’ followin’ them, eh? Shouldn’t we jus’ let ‘em run?”

“No,” replied Robin. “That witch knows where we are. If we are ever to be sure we are safe from that woman, we must find her. We must keep our people safe.”

Robin’s torchlight danced dangerously on Evera’s face. The men were too near the opening and if the two did not move, they would be found. Evera’s eyed widened, remembering her studies of history in Morag. She had the power to hide. The necklace not only gave the wearer their true form, but unlocked powers given to God’s higher Angels, such as night vision, increased speed and the power to blend into the surroundings.

Evera turned to William, their faces only inches apart, and put her finger to her lips, telling him to stay silent. She placed one hand over his mouth and the other clenched the necklace in her hand. Taking a deep breath and praying for her idea to work, she thought the one word she hoped would save them from the mercy of the outlaws.


William let out a muffled cry as Evera vanished from sight. Robin and the men heard his upset and soon found the entrance to the hidden bush cave. William started to draw his hunting knife but an unseen force held him steady while the grip over his mouth tightened. A face peaked beneath the undergrowth followed by the light of a torch. William closed his eyes in defeat. He could not fight them all and protect Evera. There were too many outlaws.

“There’s nothin’ there. Musta been an animal.” William’s eyes opened wide and stared directly into the eyes of one of the men. He clearly could not see the two hiding and soon turned away to the rest of the group.

William waved his hand in front of his face. Where a hand should be, nothing was seen yet air was felt. The young man’s breath quickened. What has Evera done? Who has she become? What has she become?

The men’s footsteps faded into the distance and the grip upon William’s mouth was removed. His body became instantly visible when the bodily connection was severed.

Evera’s movements were heard as she headed out of the small bush opening and William soon followed. When both were outside, William turned to the now fully visible Fae.

“What… Who…” William scratched the back of his head. He had no idea where to start. His childhood friend was a witch or some other damned being and he had helped her to flee persecution. “How?” The young woman spun around and tried to walk away from the conversation. William grabbed her arms tightly, forcing her to look in his direction. “How?” His voice irate and powerful.

“I…” Evera’s downcast head turned in embarrassment. Might as well tell him. “I am …not like you. I am… I am Fae.” She tried to keep as much dignity as she could and braced herself for the confusion to follow.

“Fae?” He threw her body to the ground. “Those wretched witches who talk with Devils and hunt mercilessly on humans?” The young Fae spun herself in one swift movement to firm her stance and kick William’s feet from beneath him. He fell to his back landing hard. Striding over to him, her stare alone made his face drain of color. Evera looked deep into the man’s eyes as she spoke the words humans were never meant to hear, anger rising from her throat.

“I am a Faerie not a witch! I do not consort with Demons, nor can I fly with Angels. I simply am. I am as you are, but I am Fae.”

William’s mind whirled. Faeries? They were creatures of myth and legend. The two joked about them when they were children, yet here she was, years later and speaking as if she thought it the only truth there could be.

The young man watched as the Fae girl dropped to her knees and fell to the ground, her back turned to him. Her hands clenched as blatant agony tormented her body. William circled behind the girl, staring at the wickedly beautiful wings which sprouted from her back. His hand reached out and stroked the thin shining extremities, Evera shuddering at his touch suppressing a pleasured sigh.

The wings felt leathery under his fingers as he traced the arch, rising up then dipping down and in. They held a trace of a glow not noticeable unless looking close enough. William shifted his gaze to her hair and face, seeing the change in her ears. Instead of the curved ears she bore just hours ago, the tips seemed to be pointed. As turned her face to meet his, he saw her nose had become more defined and her cheeks more sullen.

“Eerie.” He watched as she pulled her face from his hand and sighed.

“Believe me when I say I did not want this appearance. It is because of this”-- Evera pointed to the jewel which hung around her throat --“I have become this form. I have not looked like this ever.”

William reached to unclasp the necklace. His fingers searched for the fastener he could not find. Evera pushed his hands away.

“Once the necklace is worn by a Faerie, it cannot be removed unless pulled by the hand of a cursed one.”

“Cursed one?” William stood unbelieving as Evera got up and leaned her head on the nearest tree. It was as if a dream from the mind of a child.

“They go by many names. Cursed ones. The disgraced spirits. They are the outcasts of Heaven.” Evera turned to William and bowed her head. “It can only be removed by a Fallen Angel.”

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