Chapter 1 Think

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🧸 Amara p

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🧸 Amara p.o.v 🧸
Friday, August 30, 2019
7:23 AM

"Amara, you woke?"I heard Chris ask from the other room.

"Nah, I'm just in the kitchen sleep walking."I said sarcastically.

"Man, what's wrong with you now?"He asked coming in the kitchen.

"Nothing, I just ain't get no sleep last night."I said shaking my head.

"Why not?"He asked as he went through the cabinets.

"Because somebody decided to be bipolar."I said looking at Kind in her walker. 

"What you mean bipolar?"He asked laughing.

"One minute she would be crying and the next she would be laughing and playing. She did this all night."I told him.

"You giving yo mommy a hard time."He said to Kind as he picked her up.

"You finna go somewhere?"I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm finna go drop Royalty off at her moms because I got some work to do."He said to me.

"She can stay here with me."I said getting on my phone.

"You sure?"He asked putting Kind back in her walker.

"Yeah, I'll probably take them to the park or something."I said taking a picture.

"Alright. Thank you."He said leaving out the kitchen.

"No problem."I said setting my phone down.

"Royalty! You staying here with Amara!"He yelled before leaving out the house.

"Amara!"Royalty yelled running into the kitchen. 

"What's up?"I asked her.

"I'm hungry, can you make me something, pretty please?"She asked me.

"Yeah."I said laughing a little at all the energy she had.

I walked over to the refrigerator and went in it. I grabbed eggs, sausages, bacon, and a container of fruit mix. I got the pancakes mix out the cabinet. I cooked steak and cheese omelettes, bacon, pancakes, sausages, and a fruit salad and then I made our plates.

"Go sit down at table."I said to Royalty.

She ran over to the table and sat down. I grabbed a cup and poured her some orange juice. Then I sat her plate and cup in front of her. I put Kind in her high chair and sat her sippy cup and food in front of her. Then I sat down and starting eating mines.

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