Chapter 16 Cool

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😘 Amara p

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😘 Amara p.o.v 😘
Monday, January 6, 2020
Amara's Apartment
11:47 AM

"I love you more than anything!"Kentrell sung while grabbing my face.

"Boy."I said laughin.

"I'm serious."He said to me.

"I know."I said smiling.

"Aye, where my kids at?"He asked me.

"In the room playing."I told him.

"I'm finna go scare them."He said gettin out of the bed.

"If you don't leave them alone."I said straight facing him. 

"I'll be back."He said leaving out the room.

Next thing I heard was the kids screaming. I huffed and got out the bed. I left out the room and went down the hall to Kind's room. Kentrell was laughing while they all mugged him.

"You always doing something."I said as I leaned against the doorframe.

"Hush up."He said waving me off.

"Y'all not supposed to let y'all enemies see y'all sweat. Betta beat him up or something."I said to them.

"I'm not they enemy."Kentrell said frowning at me.

"At this point, you is. Always messing with them."I said to him.

"Mar right! Let's get em!"Kayden said punchin his hand.

I busted out laughing. All the kids attacked him. And Kentrell being his dramatic self, he fell to the ground. Which didn't make his situation better because they started jumping on him and punching him. He was laughing so that made them more mad.

"Alright, y'all cool now. Chill out on him."I said tryna get them to stop.

"Mar, help us."Taylin said as Kentrell started pushing them off him.

"I will beat all y'all up including Mar."Kentrell said to them.

"Try me."I said folding my arms.

"Aight, I'll just beat the kids up."He said laughing.

"Daddy scared of mommy!"Kind yelled.

"No, I'm not."He said straight facing her.

"Yes, he is!"Kamiri yelled.

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