Chapter 13 He's Awake

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🤧 Amara p

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🤧 Amara p.o.v 🤧
Friday, December 20, 2019

"AMARA! Wake the hell up!"I heard Babyjoe yell.

"Bro, how you get in here?"I groaned as I pulled the covers over my head.

"That don't matter right now. It's important, it's about Youngboy."He said grabbing my attention.

"What about him?"I asked quickly sitting up.

"The doctor called and said he woke up or something like that and then he went back into his coma. They think he fighting and wanna wake so they want us to come up there and talk to him to help him."Joe told me.

I jumped out the bed and ran into the bathroom. I grabbed everything I need and got in the shower. Once I got out, I did the rest of my morning routine. I left out the bathroom and went in my closet. I quickly got dressed in a hoodie and some leggings. I slid on my fur slides. I ran out my room and down the stairs.

"I'm ready, let's go."I said walkin out the door.

"She ain't wasting no time."Kd said as they followed behind me.

"Of course not."I said as I locked the door.

"Where Kind?"Joe asked me.

"With Amoura. Ima go get her and I'll meet y'all at the hospital."I told them.

"Alright."They said.

They went and got in the car they came in. I walked over to my car and got in. We both drove off and went out separate ways. I pulled up to Amoura's apartment. I got out and locked my car doors. I went inside her apartment building and went to her floor. I walked to her door and knocked.

"One second!"I heard her yell.

I stood there for a couple minutes before knocking again. I could hear her on the other side of the door. She quickly opened it and let me in.

"Sorry, I was doing something for the kids."She told me.

"Kids?"I asked confused.

"Chris got me watching Royalty and Madison too."She told me.

"Oh. Well, I'm here to get Kind so we can go to the hospital."

"Something happened?"She asked me.

"He woke up for a moment and then went back into his coma."I told her.

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