Chapter Six

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Yoongi woke up extra comfortable the next morning and it wasn't because of his new bed, yeah that was pretty comfortable but what was extra comfortable was the chest he had his head on.

He was also pretty warm as well, he swears Taehyung is a human radiator or something. His chest was so warm along with the arm that he had wrapped around Yoongi's tiny frame.

Yeah he should probably find this weird and try and move but he couldn't bring himself to do so the man was just so warm and he was just so comfortable that it was lulling him back to sleep. Barely.

The one thing preventing him from falling back to sleep was the raging headache, it felt like someone had thrown him down a flight of stairs. Twice.

He tried his hardest to fall back asleep but just as he was about to fade back into the darkness his eyes were shooting open as he quickly pushed the man he was just lying on to the side before he was jumping out of his bed and rushing to his connected bathroom.

Nausea had washed over him while his body threatened to spill last nights drinks all over the floor but luckily he had managed to make it to the toilet in time, his hands throwing the lid open before he was throwing up all the contents in his stomach.

Yoongi was definitely regretting the drinks he had drunk last night, his head was banging and his throat was stinging from the puke that was leaving his lips. Tears began to form in his as he finally pulled away from the toilet bowl.

Just as the tears began to flow he felt a pair of arms wrap around his little body before he was being pulled into a hard but also soft chest "Shh angel," he heard Taehyung whisper into his ear "I told you that you were going to regret this in the morning."

He nodded his head "I know daddy," he replied as he cuddled into the man "I wish I hadn't drunk," he then said as tears continued to flow "Yoongs is a stupid boy, should have listened to Jinnie hyung and Seokkie hyung."

Before Taehyung could reply to him he was being pushed away again as Yoongi threw up in the toilet once more, his tears still flowing from his eyes.

Being sick always scared the little, he hated how it made him feel. His throat burned and he felt like he couldn't breathe as even after being sick, it was like being sick took his breath away and he struggled to catch his breath.

The feeling and experience was horrible and so scary for the little, even after he was finished he feared that he'd end up throwing up once more it's the reason why he barely drinks but he couldn't stop himself last night.

His best friend had come home and they were having a good time, he promised not to drink loads but ended up drinking more than he originally planned and he regrets it big time.

Flushing the toilet he looked up at Taehyung with tear filled eyes as he cried "Yoongs is scared, don't like being sick it scary."

Just hearing this brought a small frown to the older's lips, leaning forward he placed a gentle hand on the younger's face "Don't be scared princess, daddy is here for you and he'll help you get better okay? So why don't you brush your teeth, change your clothes into something more comfortable and I'll go and get you some medicine and after that how about we go into your play room, put on a movie and you can cuddle up with all your teddy bears, how does that sound?"

Sniffling he nodded his head "Yes please daddy, will you stay there with me and cuddle?" He asked the older with puppy eyes to which he nodded his head.

"Of course angel, is there anything you want from downstairs?" He asked his frown turning into a small smile.

"Can.. can Yoongs have some juice and some toast?" He asked to which the older nodded his head.

"Yes you can, now brush your teeth," Yoongi nodded his head and obeyed his daddy while the male walked out of the room.

He picked up the tooth brush that was in this small pot with the tooth paste before he began to brush his teeth to get rid of the horrible smell of puke, he also swilled his mouth out with mouth wash to be on the safe side before he walked back into his bedroom.

Walking over to his wardrobe he picked out a black oversized jumpers along with a pair of grey jogging bottoms before walking out of his bedroom and down the hall to his play room "Daddy, Yoongs gone to play room!" He shouted as he opened the door the the room and made his way over to the single bed.

He pulled the covers back as he climbed into the bed and over to the wall making as much space for Taehyung as possible seeing as it was a single, he pulled a small dog teddy close to his chest as he waited patiently for the man to come upstairs.

It was probably round about five minutes later when Taehyung was finally walking into the bedroom, a bottle of water along with a sippy cup in one hand while he had a small plate of toast in his other hand.

He walked over to the bed before gently placing the plate of toast in the younger's lap then handing over two small pills which he held in one of his hands as well before opening the bottle of water and handing that over.

Yoongi happily took the pills wanting this headache to die down a little, popping them in his mouth he swallowed them with the water before opening his mouth to show the man he had taken them.

"Good boy," he said with a smile, ruffling the boy's hair "Now, what would you like to watch?"

The boy hummed as he began to munch on his toast "Wall.e! He's such a cute little robot!" He finally said with a grin "You have the movie right?"

"Of course I do angel," he replied before walking over the cabinet underneath the TV, taking out the movie before placing it into the DVD player.

He grabbed the remote, turned on the TV then made his way back over to the younger's bed, slipping in beside him. It was a little struggle as the bed was a single but they both managed.

The movie finally started up, both of their eyes trained onto the TV with small smiles on their faces.

Yoongi finished his toast five minutes into the movie before he was resting most of his body on the older males, his head pressed against his chest with one of his arms thrown over the man's chest along with one of his legs thrown over his legs as well.

Taehyung wrapped two protective arms over the younger with a smile on his face as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head before turning his attention back to the movie.

It was probably half way through the movie when Yoongi had finally drifted off to sleep.


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