Chapter One

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It wasn't exactly hard for Taehyung to sneak in backstage of one of the most famous rapper's concert.

Being quite a well known business man can work wonders really, all he had to do was walk up to a security guard flash him a large amount of cash and they let him in with no questions asked.

He knew that Hoseok was the males manager as well so if he see's him he already has an excuse which would be 'I needed to speak to you'.

But then again if he really needed to speak to him he would have texted him, so he pretty much tried his hardest to avoid the male at all costs.

It was pretty hard as it was like he was everywhere but he had finally managed to get into the rapper's dressing room undetected.

He had watched the whole concert play out on the small screen in the room, a smile on his face as he watched the person he has been pretty much swooning over for years.

Taehyung was a pretty busy man so he never really had time to go out and go to the rapper's concerts or meet and greets.

But come on, he's friends with Hoseok for fuck sake so he could have used him as a way to meet him but this is Taehyung after all, he does what he wants when he wants really.

Plus he liked the idea of sneaking into his dressing room and making the proposition that way, it kind of made him feel bad ass for sneaking into the dressing room. Don't ask why.

It was about 2 hours later when the rapper was finally walking into the dressing room, he looked even better up close.

Especially from the sweat on his forehead and in his hair, he would love to see him looking like that when he had him underneath him.

But he was quick to shake the dirty thoughts off when they burst off into the proposition he had been dying to make with him for over a year now.

So what actually shocked him the most was when the male actually said yes to him, he didn't think he'd say yes straight away.

He expected to pretty much beg the man or something so this was a real shocker to him.

"Wait, really?" He asked, looking the male in his eyes to make sure he wasn't lying.

The boy just nodded his head "Yep."

"Well, I'll give you a week to pack up your things then I'll come by your place and pick you up," Taehyung said, standing up from where he was sat.

"Wait, I'm supposed to move in with you?" The male asked, worry could now be seen circling the males eyes.

"Yes, I want to love, care and give you affection along with keeping you by my side," he replied "How do you expect me to do that if you're not living with me?" He then asked, his eyebrow raised.

The boy looked around the room slightly, one of his hands rubbing the back on his neck nervously as he avoiding eye contact "Um.."

"Is something wrong with that?" He then asked, eyeing the boy up and down as he tried to figure out what the problem was.

The boy continued to ignore the male, so with a stern look he walked up to the boy and forced him to look at him "You answer when you are being spoken to angel, now tell me what the problem is."

He could see something in the males eyes change, his body language loosening up slightly before he replied with "Little," ever so quietly, in hopes that Taehyung wouldn't hear but of course he did.

"A little huh?" The male asked, a slight smirk forming on his face "Isn't that just adorable."

A blush could be seen forming on the boys cheeks as he tried to look away from the elder "Mhm," he hummed in reply.

The male just forced the boy to look at him again "Don't look away from me angel," he said as he looked him in the eyes "Never look away when I'm speaking to you, got it?"

"Okay," the boy replied in a quiet voice, his eyes looking deeply into the older males.

"Okay what angel?" The male asked, his eyebrow raised.

He could tell that the boy was slightly embarrassed but he didn't care, he thought it was absolutely adorable seeing the rapper this way.

"Okay daddy," the boy muttered, his cheeks turning a darker shade of red.

Hearing this just made the older smirk before he pulled away from him "Good boy," he replied as he finally stepped away from him.

"Ask Hoseok for my number, I'm sure he'll give it to you and then text me your address and I'll be there to pick you up on Friday at nine, I expect you to be ready and packed by then," the male said, looking at the boy who nodded his head.

"Yes daddy," he nodded with a small blush.

"Good boy, I'll see you then," he replied before he finally walked out of the room.

He made sure to avoid Hoseok once again before he was finally walking out the door, a smirk on his face as he made his way towards his car.

That was actually quite easy, but it wasn't like he was going to complain about that.

Not only did he get the man he's been swooning over for a few years now, he's got a little to care for as well.

It's been a long time since he's had a little to himself, he was pretty excited to do this all over again but this time he hopes that he'll be able to keep Yoongi.

The male was a special one and he sure as hell didn't want to let this male go, he'll do everything in his power to keep this boy by his side.

He sure as hell won't let anyone try to steal his boy away from him, after years of swooning he's actually finally been able to see him and get him to be by his side all in one day. 

He couldn't really give a fuck about others opinions, it's his life and he can do whatever he wants with it.

His parents are still trying to force him to marry other females who have daughters belonging to very important men, saying that it'll help him to build his company even more.

But at the end of the day this was his company, this was his business, he was the one to build it from the ground to what it is today.

His parents had no say in what he does with his life, he's never been in their good books but when they found out their son had built a big company they were all over him.

He doesn't care about his parents.

He doesn't really care about anyone.

Except Min Yoongi and his friends.


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