Chapter Seven

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A smile had spread across Taehyung's lips as he looked at the sleeping boys face, he looked ever so peaceful lying there in his arms.

Soft sounds were leaving his lips, the sound of the movie in the background could be heard as well but he couldn't care about that.

In this moment he had a bundle of cuteness bundled up in his arms as he slept peacefully, he really was the most beautiful person in the whole entire world. Change his mind.

Not being able to resist he brought up one of his hands to the younger's face, slowly pushing his hair out of his eyes before he began to lightly run his fingers through his hair.

His hair was so soft, he could run his fingers through it for the rest of his life as weird as it sounds but could you really blame him?

And that cute little sleeping face of his, god it made his heart pound against his chest while bringing a smile to his lips.

The little puffs of air that left his lips was like music to his ears, he was so happy he was able to experience this.

He would do anything to keep this bundle of cuteness beside him, the way they met was kind of shitty and pretty much forced but Taehyung couldn't help himself.

He just wanted to have the rapper in his home, wanted to have him in arms, to keep him with him forever. 

Taehyung knows he could have gone about this whole situation in a completely different way but at the time that was all he could think of, if he could go back and change it he probably would.

But he wasn't going to complain about it much because all that mattered in this moment was the fact that Yoongi was here laying in his arms as he peacefully sleeps the day away.

Taehyung refused sleep because he liked being up, he liked running his fingers through the boys soft hair and pressing soft kisses to his cheeks, forehead and temples.

There were a few times when the boy nearly woke up because of his kisses but he was quick to hush him up and have him falling back asleep once more. 

It was about six hours later when Yoongi was finally waking up again, a small yawn leaving his lips as his little hands came up to rub his eyes "Mm.." he hummed as he snuggled into Taehyung.

Through these five hours Taehyung played on his phone, arranged meetings for his work along with some other boring shit but when he heard the younger begin to stir and wake up he was quick to lock his phone and look down at the boy.

"Afternoon baby boy, did you sleep well?" Taehyung asked as he looked down at the tired boy who hummed again.

"Mm.." he hummed with a small nod of his head "Yoongs sleep fine, daddy not sleep? Yoongs not snore right?"

Taehyung shook his head with a small smile "Daddy wasn't tired baby," he replied as he brushed his fingers through the boys blonde locks "I'm glad you slept well and no you didn't snore."

"Pwomise?" The younger asked, looking up at the older with his lips slightly pouted.

"I promise," he grinned, leaning down to press a soft kiss to the boys forehead which brought a smile to his lips "Now, is there anything you would like to do?"

Yoongi let out a small hum as he thought about what to do, his mind going blank for a while as he thought about all the things they could do before saying "Yoongs wanna draw daddy picture," he said as he got up with a wide grin "But picture surpwise so daddy have to weave room, otay?"

Taehyung nodded his head with a smile "Alright baby, call me if you need anything okay?" He said as he slowly slipped out of the bed to which Yoongi nodded his head "Don't forget to make the bed and tidy up after yourself."

"Otay daddy," the boy grinned before pointing at the bedroom door "Now weave pwease."

Nodding his head with a small chuckle Taehyung finally left the boys room before making his way to his room so that he could take the shower he never got to have this morning.

Stepping into his bathroom he turned the shower on before he stripped himself of his clothes before getting in, he let the water run down his back as he let out a hum of contentment.

He was in the shower for at least fifteen minutes before he was getting out, wrapping a towel around his waist before walking back into his room where he began to get dressed.

He dressed himself into a pair of black jogging bottoms, a plain white t-shirt followed with his grey jacket before he finally left his room to make his way downstairs.

Checking the time on the clock that was on the wall he saw that it was just turning 5 o'clock, and being not so perfect cook he was decided he'd order some takeout for the both of them.

Picking up his house phone he called for takeout, the phone call lasted about two minutes before he finally hung up and walked towards the stairs "I've ordered us some food and it'll be here within the next forty five minutes!" He shouted up to the boy.

"Otay daddy! Dwawing nearly finished!" Yoongi called back which brought a smile onto Taehyung's face.

Leaving it at that he walked into the kitchen where he took out a bottle of water from his fridge, uncapping the lid before he began to take a few sips.

It wasn't long until little footsteps could be heard  jumping down the steps before the tap of little feet running into the kitchen where Taehyung was.

"Daddy!" The boy called with a grin, a piece of paper in his hand as he stopped in front of the man looking up at him.

Taehyung smiled down at the younger "What's up baby boy?" He asked his smile never faltering.

Yoongi was quick to push the piece of paper into Taehyung's chest where he took hold of the paper, turning it around to look at the drawing his boy made him.

It was a picture of both Taehyung and Yoongi stood next to each other, their hands linked as they stand in a small park with the sun shining down on them. It was a really good picture.

"This is amazing baby, I absolutely love it," the older grinned as he admired his baby's drawing "This will definitely be going on the fridge," and doing exactly as what he said he walked towards his fridge where he pins it up with one of his magnets.

A small squeal left the younger's lips as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist "Daddy wike Yoongs dwawing! Makes Yoongs wery happy!"

Taehyung happily hugged his little boy back "I love it very much," and that was the truth.


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