Chapter Eight

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Takeout had arrived about 25 minutes after Yoongi had arrived downstairs, the two of them ate their food in silence with the sound of the TV playing in the background.

Both males had smiles on their faces, Yoongi because of the cartoon that was playing on the TV and Taehyung because just seeing his precious boy happy was enough to make him smile.

Once they had finished it was just a little over 7 pm which meant that it was time for Yoongi's bath, so helping Taehyung put the rubbish in the bins they were quick to go upstairs to Yoongi's bathroom.

"Bubbles or no bubbles baby boy?" Taehyung asked as he crouched down beside the bath testing the water before putting the plug in.

Yoongi hummed for a few seconds as he weighed down the options before saying "Yoonie won wubbles for his bathe daddy!" The little grinned.

Sitting on the toilet seat Yoongi kicked his feet lightly as he watched his daddy fill his bath for him before he added some bubble bath to the water.

Hearing the sound of the man swishing the water to make more bubbles had the little erupting into giggles "What's so funny baby boy?"

"Swish swish," the boy giggled "Wubbles begin to form 'cause daddy is going swish swish with water! Sound funny!" He said as he made hand gestures to mimicking the the action Taehyung was just doing.

The male just shook his head at the boy's silliness, a smile on his face before turning his attention back to the bath before finally turning it off once it was finished.

"Come on Yoongs, time to get into the bath," he said as he turned back round to look at the little to see that he was suckling on his little thumb with a small smile before pulling it out.

"'Kay!" He smiled jumping off the toilet seat "Buts daddy gots to twurn round 'kay? 'Cause Yoonie gets nakey and daddy no loud to see nakey Yoonie just yet," he said as a small blush formed on his cheeks.

"Alright baby," Doing as the little said the male turned around, covering his eyes with his hands because knowing him he'd end up turning to have a little peak if he didn't.

Satisfied the man wasn't looking Yoongi was quick to strip himself of his clothes before getting into the bath, a sigh of satisfaction leaving his lips from the warm water enveloping his body "Daddy can lookie now!"

Hearing this the man turned around with a smile "Alright, lets get you all cleaned up then baby boy."

With that said bath time began, it was a lot of hassle because Yoongi didn't cooperate much as giggles left his lips as he scoffed up bubbles in his hands before smacking them onto the elder's head "Ha! Gots you daddy!"

"Yoongi," the man said sternly but the boy just pocked his tongue out before scooping more up before he gave himself a bubble beard.

"Lookie! Yoongs gots bwubble beard!" He giggled "Ho ho ho, I is Santa Claws!" 

Taehyung only rolled his eyes with a small smile on his lips as he continued to wash his baby boy's hair then his body.

Once the bath was over Taehyung helped Yoongi out of the bath as he wrapped the towel around him, the whole thing practically engulfing the very small boy.

A small shiver ran through the younger's body as he felt a small draft pass through his body, his little teeth beginning to chatter as he hugged his towel close to his body "Yoonie cold daddy."

"Let's go get you dressed into something warm then shall we?" Nodded his head Yoongi followed Taehyung out of the bathroom and down to his bedroom "What would my little prince like to wear?"

"Yoonie wons to wear daddy's clothes!" He grinned "Yoons wons feel small in daddy's clothes!" Taehyung nodded his head with a small smile, telling the boy to stay right where he was before leaving the room.

A small yawn left the little's lips as he slowly rubbed at his tired little eyes, he was still feeling quite tired from the night before but then again this boy was always tired.

He could feel his eyes drooping every so often but he managed to keep himself away even though it was really hard.

Taehyung was quick to walk back into the little's bedroom, a pair of boxers, one of his tops and some of his shorts in his hands walking over to the boy who was half asleep on his bed.

With a smile he helped the younger into his clothes before he helped him into his bed "Is there anything you want baby?" He asked is a hushed tone, a smile on his lips as he looked at his tired boy.

Yoongi nodded as he mumbled out "Yoonie wants paci and daddy," he yawned "Daddy stays with Yoonie 'night again?"

"Of course baby, let me just go get that pacifier of yours, get changed myself and I'll be right back," Yoongi just nodded his head, his lips sealed shut as his drifts in and out of sleep as he waits for his daddy to come back to his room.

What felt like forever Taehyung was walking back into the boys bedroom, blue pacifier in his hand as he slowly slips under the covers.

Feeling the bed dip the boy was quick to turn over, rest his head against the male's chest with a small tired smile, his arm slinging over the males abdomen as he mumbled incoherent words to which Taehyung smiled.

Clearly seeing Yoongi was too tired to even speak he leaned down to press a soft kiss to the side of his head before saying "Open up baby," as he held the pacifier close to the boys lips.

Yoongi opened up his mouth before taking the pacifier into his lips, little suckling sounds being heard as he sucked on his pacifier a little hum of content leaving his lips as he cuddled himself up even more into his daddy's side.

"Goodnight baby boy, sleep well," the male said with a smile, pressing another light kiss to the side of the boys head.

"Wu wight waddy," Yoongi replied, his words being muffled by the pacifier in his mouth.

A small chuckle left Taehyung's lips, his arms wrapping around the small boy who was cuddled up into him.

Both their eyes now shut as they allowed sleep to consume them.


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