Doubts and Troubles

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Asif P.O.V

Harmony has been  acting wierd past a week. I am sure she's hiding  something  really  important from me. Last week when i returned  after my stayback she wasn't at home and i could smell mens perfume in our room.
Tonight i caught her hugging two boys . They were wearing hoodies so i could not get a glimpse of their faces. She stays awake  late nights and is conversing with someone on phone. She speaks so softly behind the closed doors that I'm  not able to hear. Last night when i was in room with her she entered into the  washroom to attend a call and today whole  day she was missing   . Friday she disappeared after college and came back in morning on Saturday . I was quizzed about what she'd been up to.
She is an innocent little girl so i never wanted that she should get in trouble .
I really  have to find  a solution......tell her they are foolish.
Ethan?. Great.  So  now i have to find his number.
I stole her mobile to search his number when she was asleep.  There were many confusing numbers in her phone.
At last i got Ethans contact.  My hands  shivered when i pressed the call button but it was necessary to talk to him. I prayed  that the outcome is positive   i don't  wanna trap Harmony.

Ethan P.O.V

At last my busy life spared  me some  time and i can sleep peacefully.  This sensation of peace  was also not longlived . My cellphone  rang.
I left a voice message "Ethan is dead now call later" i rejected the call.
I got a voice message back "please  its about your sister"
My heart rate speeded. I called  him.
"I wanted to tell you  that your  sister  is acting quite  wierd"
"She was born  wierd...and btw who the hell are you to tell me that?" I snapped him back
"Asif..her roommate"
"Any proves"
"She hides when she talks on phone"
"I think everyone expects some privacy and I'll  remind  you  that eavesdropping someone's talks is wrong"
"She had a night stay with two guys on Friday  i saw her hugging  them. There was mens cologne  frangrance  in room on the day i had a stayback she wasn't at home"
"Now who gave u the permission to spy my sis? And the cologne you smelled was mine. I came to meet  her that day"i replied rudely and i knew about  the night  stay too. Lou had already  told  me about it.  We had decided to make ourbest efforts to keep that Asif guy  as far as possible  from her cause he was not according to my liking.
"She never informed me about  your meet"
"There is no need i suppose"
"She was not at home today also ....she has akward contacts in her phone like boobear ,haz, lima and niller"now i shrugged
"I'll  call u in a minute hold on"
I called harry  to ask if he or Louis  took her out on Saturday. He had no idea about  what i asked.  I called Asif  back.
"Where is Harmony"
"You bastard are checking  her mobile  when she is not aware.   I came to know  who they were" i lied to save my sis's image . I could  feel the heat in my ears ,my cheeks  burning. "Don't  repeat" i threw my phone on bed harshly.
Harmony had lost her self-conrol. This is the reason  parents  keep a check  on children.  My parents  are so easy with her . Now she is getting  distracted from her path.  I couldn't sleep  again.   I could just think  of calling  her.
Next day i had dark circles under my eyes...without bothering  to  brush  my teeth  or eat the  first thing  i did was picked my phone to call  her.
"Its five in morning brother" she spoke  in sleepy  voice.
"Will u just bother to tell me where did u go on Saturday?"
"Yesterday"she lied
"I know it don't  hide anything"i tried  to be calm to keep up our new bond but she already  was planning to  spoil it ."and who the hell are lima and niller?"
"God how did u catch me...have you imprinted some tracker in my phone?"
"Please Harmony I'm  losing my cool  just go somewhere  away from your roommate  and tell me everything now...please barbie doll  don't  be scared.....i won't  say you anything i just want the truth"

"Ethan" she lumped saliva into  her throat "lima is Liam Payne and niller is Niall horan i met them on Saturday"
"Wait...What!!!!" I said in disbelief."what the hell are u trying  to  do  Harmony?"
"Nothing....i met him on the plane  there was a confusion  regarding  the seats so i had to adjust  for him so he came with niall to thank me  about  it."
"Thank god ...u scared  the shit out of me.... i was not able  to sleep  at night"i could  hear her crying "What happened to my Apple pie?".
"I love u Ethan...thanks for caring about me" she spoke  between her hiccups.
"Love u too....met you soon...don't  cry sleep tight  now and please  give a punch  to Asif  from my side... he misguided me"
"He called  you?.."
"Yeah took your  mobile  while you were asleep so that you don't  have a peaceful  morning ..... right  now just put a password  on your  phone"
"Yeah bye ....u too sleep  now ...and will you be  there for Christmas?"
"40 days are still left for chirstmas...i am not clear  about  my shedule.....we'll consider  this later  . Good night  I'll  die otherwise" i never wanted  the talk to end . But i was falling off  my bed when i sat due to lack of sleep .

What  do u think  Asif did it intentionally?

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