Throwing away the ego

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Harry P.O.V
"Harmony" Louis handed her the bag "rush you're already late for college"
"It's a university"
"Ok whatever" he pushed her out of the house "but go now and don't forget to call back  your mom.  She is really desperate to talk to you"

It's been two weeks since the horrible incident and luckily Ethan won the case  and is in Dubai to resume his business. Everything is perfect . Liam to flew the next  day to record his new single and Niall is at airport to receive him. Louis returned yesterday after the success bash of his new released  album. But zayn seems to be nowhere; we never heard from him after that incident; he had his concert in London and as per the schedule he must be preparing for the next one. Louis when tried to contact him; his PA said that he was 'busy'  and none of us dared to ask Harmony whether he called her or not. It wasn't really known to Harmony but all  the property under Nicholas was now her's but Ethan never wanted her to be distracted so she was to be informed about it later. Nicholas's funeral was two days back and  surprisingly Ethan went to pay last tributes to him. His death is still fresh on my mind and haunts me constantly.
Even Asif had improved a lot he had almost quitted smoking and his grades were impressively improving. In the mid-yearly test Asif stood on second position in the class and Harmony on first inspite of missing so many lectures. Every alternative day he would come to Harmony to discuss some topic or study together and he helped Harmony with her course and to cover up the syllabus.
"We are back" Niall announced
"So how did it go Liam?" Louis enquired and Liam showed him thumbs up.
"Let's party before kido's return"
We took a car to bring a beer bottle and while driving Louis turned on the music system and our own song blasted on the speakers . We sang our solos with the beat. It was  real fun . After that Louis reminded us of many other songs and we sang them one by one. All were on cloud nine.
"Why can't we be together?" niall burped out.
"Who is stopping us?" Liam asked
"No one" i answered
"Then I think we should" Louis said turning around not concentrating on the road ahead
"First concentrate on driving Louis...if we die we just can't"

So the next thing was to call Zayn. At last he picked up his phone.  We tried hard to explain him ;but everytime he had the same answer
"I can't"
When we asked him the reason behind that statement he said that he had no particular reason it was just a loathing.  We even explained him how much we needed him
"I won't" he replied coldly
"Throw away the ego zayn" i spat and disconnected the call.
This really shattered my heart but U wasn't sure that was it right to take this step without him. So when Harmony returned we requested her to explain him . That was definitely our last chance.

Harmony P.O.V
I was floating on bubble of joy listening to the news what Harry told me . I was just like some dream come true. I could imagine how  one direction fans would take the news. How the paps would react. But I had a huge trouble on my head.  Convincing Zayn. That was definitely more scary than facing Nicholas. I prayed hoping for the best and dialled his number.
"Hey zayn"
"Hi sunshine" his voice was a croak.  It could be two reasons first he was crying second he was not well.
"What happened to you?"
"I was having my queen sleep"
" Oh so I disrupted your honourable sleep and I don't regret cause I've something important to say"
"Why don't you be back?"
"I can't"
"What is stopping you zayn?"
"My own inner self"
"Wrong notion zayn....your inner self pushed you  to the door of my house when you already knew that the boy's were inside. " i emphasised on every  word "Your  inner self didn't let you sleep cause you missed them. This is not your  heart and  it can not be your head also cause you too know how much you love them.  This is your ego your pride zayn... just let it go ....leave it for good"
"I'm not having any  ego"
"You have feel that you were the own to quit the band in the first place and now it will be  a matter of shame to look back"
"You're wrong"
"Then tell What's right?" He stayed numb and for a moment i thought that he had ended the call
"Trust me I just can't"
"Zayn" i give a long shuddering sigh "just remember my words for entire lifetime.  You'll regret this decision for sure."
"It's no big deal"
"It is" i gave a  bombastic scream. I was so infatuated by his adamant behaviour.

"Zayn if right now silence is taking in your life , your eyes are drowning ;your  breath is gasping then you are left  with nothing now. I admit that they all are mess but they captivate you in a way  no other soul can.  Zayn you've got a second chance and hardly a few people get it so don't miss the opportunity cause many  are dying for a second chance.  You've got one so make a right decision."
"I won't"

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