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This is if The End never happened

Edd's POV
I walked down stairs and looked at the calendar, October 30. Well TOMorrow is Halloween everyone in the house knows that Matt was a vampire and Might still be, but we don't know for sure. I walk to the kitchen and see the bacon on the ground. 'What kind of monster would do this to my precious bacon?!?' I thought angrily.
"EVERYONE DOWN STAIRS... NOW!!" I yell. Tom runs down the stairs with Matt following hy sliding down the railing. When they get here I look around to find Tord but what I found kinda scared me. Blood. I cautiously walk up to it to examine it.
"Uhh... Edd.. What is that?" Tom asked
"What I hope isn't Tords blood" I whisper trying not to let Matt know.
"WHAT?!?" He says somehow hearing me. Instead of answering him I run up stairs to look for Tord. I open his door and see everything scattered. I see his phone on the ground and I read the last text.
" Edd DONT look for me.. It's a waist of time if the person at the door is who I think they are. I.. I am going to be tochered then killed if I am correct. It's a waist of time. Oh and if anything is wrong with the bacon or we are out, there is money in the top drawer. If I manage to get them away and not get caught you will never see this but I thought I should still type it because the chances of me fighting them off are slim. Anyways tell Matt that i-"  the text stopped there.
'They must have gotten in from the window' I thought looking at the broken window
"Edd you can't just run off-" Tom says but stops when he sees Tords room.
"Hey what go-" Matt yells running in the room.
"Before you yell, scream, or cry... Let's check Tords security cameras" I suggested. Matt and Tom just nod.

Tord's POV
I woke up chained to a table. 'Well... I am screwed' I thought. I struggle again the chains trying to get free. When it didn't work I tried to get at least my hand free so I can grab my hair pin. With no luck I give up and hope... just hope. That they aren't here and won't be for a long time. Then the door opens reveling a man in a blue uniform. 'The blue army.. Fucking assholes... They almost killed Paul and me many times before' I thought pissed.
"Why...Hello Red Leader" He said mockingly
"Hello asshole" I snapped back at him.
"Oh... Now... We don't want to cuss in front of Blue Leader.. Now do we?"
"Ya.. I'd like to give him a piece of my mind"
"Hm...Ok...lets grab him" He walked out of the room and in 2 seconds flat I knew I fucked up. He came back with someone I hoped died in the explosion in a war I fought with the Gray Army. Blue Leader. If I could move he'd of died as soon as he stepped in the room. We luckily killed off the Yellow Army but sadly didn't kill them off. I glare at him and he looks at me grinning evilly. 'I am so screwed' I thought as he walked up to me with a... Gag? I turned my head slightly and noticed a thing of electricity behind me.
"Nice seeing you again Red Leader"
"Wish I could say the same scum bag" I said trying to get as much control of the conversation as possible. Which may I say would be a lot easier if I wasn't chained to the stupid ass table.
"Oh.. You shouldn't swear... Especially when you are chained to a table.. " He says he grabs the gag and puts it in my mouth. Then he grabs two cords that are plugged into the electricity thing (i don't know what they are called) and clips them onto the chains. 'Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck' I thought before he flipped the switch on the electricity thing.
"MMMMMHHHHHHPPPPPP" My scream muffeled by the gag. While I am in pain they just laugh. 'I... Wish I.. Could.. Have.... Finished that... Text' I thought before I blacked out.

Matt's POV
After we found and watched the security cameras we learned how they got in and how they caught Tord. Apparently before he finished the text the window broke. He fought them as best as he could he went in the fridge looking for something to defend himself but he didn't have enough time and he was dragged down and trying to get a grip on something he grabbed the bacon and dropping it. He fought them until they hit him in the back of the head with a baseball bat. 'We need to find someway to save I know my vampire side can smell blood so I Can track him!' I thought happily. I run over to Edd to tell him my plan.
"Edd!! I have a plan to help Tord!" I tell him. He turns around to see me and sighs.
"Ok...we could use a plan since I have no idea what to do" he reply's 
"Ok..if I switch into my vampire form I can smell and track then after I do that we can track Tord!!"
"Ok... I guess that could work...what time is it?" I look at my watch.
"5:55" I respond "So can I try to save him please" I extend the word please trying to convince him.
"*Sigh* fine..BUT you have to call us when you get there and when you are heading back...and try not to drink Tord's blood" I nod enthusiastically and I start skipping to my room grabbing a backpack to put stuff in. I hope he is alright. When I finished packing I saw it was already kinda dark outside... Dark enough so a vampire can go outside and not die from the sun. I noticed that I am in my vampire form or whatever it's called. I run down stairs to smell the blood then I switch into a bat to follow the scent towards the forest.

//30 minutes of flying later\\

I smell Tord's blood getting stronger so I flew into what looked like a cell window. Then I saw someone chained to a table and bloody. Then it dawned on me. 'Tord...' I rush over to the table and see that my suspicions were correct Tord was strapped to a table and covered in his own blood. I was getting hungrier and hungrier by the minute and knowing he couldn't lose anymore blood I decided to lick what blood was on him so it will satisfy my hunger and clean his wounds. I decide that instead of calling them I would text them. I quickly typed in a text then sent it. I picked Tord up then snuck out of the room running out of the base. I ran and ran as far away from the base. I saw that it was around 8:00 p.m. now so I run to our street and to our house. I open the door and set Tord on the couch.
"Edd get the M.E.D. kit" I yell. I hear running to the bathroom and down the stairs. I see both Edd and Tom ready to help Tord.

//after taking care of Tord\\

When they were done I carry Tord to his room. I was about to leave when I feel I hand garb my arm.
"P-please don't g-go" He stutteres out. I nod and it down on the bed.
"I.. I never got to finish the text but it was supposed to say I love you" He whispers.
"Y-you love me??" I ask shocked he feels the same exact way as me.
"Y-ya... It's ok if you don't feel the same...I would get it...who would love accent is stupid, my hair is weird, my grey eyes are-" I stop him from talking by pulling him I to a kiss.
"Your eyes are beautiful" I whisper to him. He smiles slightly and pulls me down onto the bed. He wraps his arms around me then falls asleep. 'Wow.. Isn't he Silly's I thought before cuddling up to him as well and falling asleep.

1409 words not including this

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