Part 13

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I know this fanfic has been really short, and really bad... but ya know, I need to work on something different and there is not many ways to take this story... so this is the finale. I'm skipping about a month.
I'm sorry to end it now, but three more Steven universe x female readers will be coming out, one will be jasper and another will be lapis! You all need to pick the third because so help me I don't want to do peridot and that's all I can think of. I will write about her if you all want me to though! I'll try!

"White I'm bored!" I said as she turned to me and smiled. She had gotten so much better over the past month. She was so calm, and was started to accept that she wasn't perfect, everyone has their flaws. Yellow diamond was so much happier now, there was a gem with her the entire incident, and before it. I had to say, I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of their relationship. They seemed to honest with each other. White and I had only been together for a month or so, but it felt right to me. I never wanted her to leave me, and I never wanted to leave her.
"Well what do you want me to do about it?" She said as she wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Wanna try and fuse with me?" I said as a joke. We attempted it before, but ended up just laughing with each other. Physical contact wasn't normally something we really cared about, none the less fusion. We wanted to talk to each other, not be one person with one mind. We wanted to be able to see each others faces and reactions.
She was also still skeptical about fusion, but I brought jade to her once and they seemed to get along... somewhat. They didn't hate each other.
"Maybe later." She said as she smiled, and softly laughed.
"What's it like losing your pearl like that?" Her pearl was hanging around somewhere, but no longer belonged to anyone, so barely came back. At first other gems were freaked out by her, but she was a very kind gem. She was very fun to be around, but I preferred to stay with white honestly.
"I can't say it wasn't expected, I didn't treat her well." She looked away from me for a second, but they looked me in the eyes. "But I'm learning. I'm doing better... I won't ever treat you like I did her... that was just wrong."
"You were in the wrong state of mind, it wasn't your fault."
"I had some control, I just felt like I needed to remain perfect."
"You're perfect to me." I said as I gave her a peck on the nose.
"Shoosh." We heard the door open and I looked behind me to see blue diamond with stars in her eyes.
"You two are adorable!" She said as she smiled. She was so much different than when I first met her. "Did I interrupt something?"
"No, not at all." White said as she awkwardly smiled, releasing me. "What did you need?"
"You just need to get out of your ship is all, yellow is waiting outside for us."
"I'm going to talk to pink pearl then." I said as I smiled. "See you soon!"
"Goodbye (yn)." White said as she smiled at me, her cheeks turning a light, barely noticeable shade of pink.

You're too much. I love you though.

White Diamond x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now