First Lie

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It all started a year later after the last recital tournament that Arima Kosei attended. He is currently on the usual club room he is using when it is already time for club activities. He is calmly playing the 'Song from a Secret Garden'. This is the same piece that he used to hear that Kaori playing. When he first heard it from Kaori and mentioned that he enjoyed the music, Kaori happily suggested that he should also learn this piece so that they could play it together and he easily agreed. The reason? One, because he really like the song and he's curious how it will sound if he played it on his own interpretation. Two, because he really likes playing together with Kaori. Three, because Kaori 'suggested' it. If she wants it, then it is fine. He enjoys seeing Kaori smile, so it is somewhat fair, right?


As he heard the sound of glass breaking, he let out a sigh.

Seriously, he just wishes for a peaceful afternoon. And isn't wrong for him, Arima Kosei, to get used on this kind of occurrence? While thinking, the door of the club room was opened, with an incredible force.

"Ahhh!! Kosei! Yo! Did you see the ball? Where?! Where?!" a monkey-like girl with a loud voice entered the room. It is none other than, Tsubaki, his childhood friend. She then started to look around the room, looking for her weap--- ball without minding him.

"Tsubaki, if you keep breaking the window glass of this club room, I don't think your club will like to keep you. They are already out of their budget as they keep fixing the window and the student council will probably chase you." Kosei reminded his friend.

The said friend just pout as she picked up the ball and put her hands at the back of her head. "Mou~ What are you saying? This time is not my fault! It was Kashiwagi who threw the ball! More importantly, it was always my money that is being used to fix the window!"

"Is that something to be proud of?" Kosei deadpanned.

"Tsk! Never mind about that," Tsubaki then lay on the floor without minding if she will get dirty or not. "Where is Kao-chan?" she finally asked. She first noticed that Kaori is not in the room when she was still playing outside. She was peeking from the field when Kashiwagi threw her pitch and she missed to hit the ball. Unfortunately or fortunately, it landed on this room and she got an excuse to go here.

"She's not here. I haven't seen her today." He shrugged. "You should ask Watari. He's in the same class with her after all."

When they changed class for the first class of their 2nd year, Watari and Kaori ended up on the same section, which is Class C. Tsubaki was in Class A and Arima found himself in Class B with Tsubaki's teammate and friend, Kashiwagi. Honestly speaking, he kind of envied Watari as he is in the same class with Kaori but he did not mention it as he does not want to sound petty. After all, he can still be with Kaori outside the class or even after school hours.

"What? Why me? Kaori-chan was absent today though." Speaking of the boy himself, Watari showed up. He's outside of their club room and leaning on the open window, careful not to be near on the window with the broken glass. Looking at his teammates who are resting outside it looks like it is already their break time. "The teacher did not even mention why~" he added.

"Maybe she got a cold? Winter just started and she's frail, to begin with." Tsubaki stated as the room fell silent.

Kaori is not the type of girl who will be absent without a reason. She might be late in some instances but she will surely message them to inform them that she will be late and at least provide the reason hence it was kind of concerning when none of them know the reason why she was out of school today. Kosei who already stopped playing looks troubled.

Tsubaki who noticed it immediately speak up, "I tried to send her an email but I got no response so if she is indeed sick then maybe she is sleeping?" she's concern as well but she does not want to jump into conclusion. Maybe she will receive an email from Kaori later. It was indeed not normal for Kaori to be absent without notice but it is not something impossible as well so they should not worry. Despite thinking that, Tsubaki can't help but feel something wrong which she keeps ignoring.

Kosei just nodded. He tried to call Kaori earlier just once and since the call was not answered he just thought that maybe she is busy or still sleeping. He just hopes that Kaori is okay or maybe caught a cold and nothing serious. Anyway, he also sent her an email earlier asking if she's okay.

"I hope so." Kosei reluctantly answered.

Dear Kaori Miyazono, to the person who always LieWhere stories live. Discover now