Second Lie

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"I can only offer tea and delicacies from the bakery, will that be fine?" Kaori asked with a smile on her face.

"O-oh.. It's fine. Sorry for the intrusion." Tsubaki who was unexpectedly quite today commented.

Kaori then nodded and proceed to go to their bakery and came back a few minutes later saying that it will be served soon. Afterward, the room fell in complete silence. Tsubaki and Watari were just looking around who seems not to know what to say and Kosei was just staring at Kaori. She seems different today, even though she is smiling, her smile won't even reach her eyes.

Kosei tried hard to swallow the lump that he felt on his throat. What happened, you ask?

It was already a week passed and they haven't seen Kaori yet. They do not have any idea what happened as well as she won't respond to their messages or calls. The three of them was walking home and Tsubaki tried to call Kaori again. This is their routine. Always calling or sending messages to Kaori asking if she's okay or any other inquiries just to know her situation. Kaori must be annoyed now but they can't stop being worried about their friend who suddenly went missing-in-action. They even tried going to her house but no one was there even her parents. Their shop has been closed as well.

Kosei just finished sending his usual message to Kaori and Watari was still composing his email; he sure likes to tell her stories about what happened to the school. Tsubaki, who keeps sighing, was behind them still trying to call Kaori.


"Hello?" a familiar soft voice answered the call and Tsubaki were frozen.

"Hello? Tsubaki?" the voice keeps calling her and yet the said person has her wide eyes open unable to move or even utter a single word. Tsubaki moved the phone off of her ear and looked to the caller ID to make sure that this is the correct person that she contacted.

Once she made sure, "K-Kao-chan!!!!" she screamed and she heard a chuckle from the other line with a soft and playful "Yes?".

Finally, the culprit already answered the call! God! Buddha! Or whoever answered their prayers, bless you! Thank you!

The two boys who heard the scream of Tsubaki was surprised that made them jump. Seriously, did that girl have that voice?

When they heard the name of Kaori, they moved fast to Tsubaki and looked at her in anticipation, Tsubaki nodded as if saying 'Yes, idiots, this is Kaori Miyazono on the other line.' and put the call on loudspeaker.

"Kao-chan! Kao-chan! How are you? Where are you?! What happened?!" Tsubaki bombarded her. "More importantly, are you okay?!!!"

"I am okay. Sorry for worrying you. I just got home today." Kaori calmly answered, her voice sounds less cheerful. Was she sick?

"What happened, Kao-chan? You never answered our messages and calls until today!" Watari asked who almost take the phone from Tsubaki.

"Oh? Watari-kun? You're with Tsubaki huh. I guess that's normal. You are already going home? Oh, if Watari is there with Tsubaki, then.. Kosei too?"

Kosei held his breath. He missed hearing her voice calling him and now that he heard her calling his name, some of his worries washed away for some unknown reasons.

"Yes. I am here." Kosei answered. He wants to give himself a pat on the back as he managed to answer her calmly. His throat is itching. He wants to talk to her more, ask her if she's okay.

Tell her that he misses her.

But he knows that it is not the time yet. Tsubaki and Watari are worried too and he cannot monopolize Kaori's time all for himself.

"Kao-chan, where are you? You said you just got home, from where?" it was Tsubaki who asked the questions again.

"From Akita."

"Akita? What did you do there?"

Pause. Silence welcomed them. They thought that the call was already disconnected but it showing on the screen that it is still on-going. Kosei does not like silence. It was agonizing. Many things are running inside his head and his worries that started to vanish earlier suddenly came back.

"A-ano.. Kao-chan? Are you still there?"

"I am.." she paused and after a moment they heard her take a deep breath as if she is having a hard time to talk.

They were confused. But they gave her time. Whatever is the reason behind her uneasiness, she will tell them, in her own time.  They can not rush her as they know and they feel that this is hard for her as well.

They don't know how many minutes already passed by when they heard Kaori sigh and speak, her voice trembling;

"My parents funeral was held in Akita and was just finished yesterday."

Dear Kaori Miyazono, to the person who always LieWhere stories live. Discover now