Sixth Lie

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It was all the truth. He was in the dark. His world was nothing but black and white. Even his salvation, the piano, wasn't able to save him. He was already broken yet Kaori came and extended her arms, pulling him out from the dark who's eating him. It was scary, he's not sure if he can play again. Arima Kosei, the child prodigy that they called was unable to hear any music.

But then, Kaori Miyazono, without any hesitation went to him and force him the truth.

"You've done so much for us. Please, do not underestimate yourself nor our feelings for you." he looked straight to her eyes. He needs to convey his feelings, he knows this is not the right time to confess about his 'personal' feelings but at least, this will do.

Kaori's eyes look so glassy, maybe she is fighting herself not to cry. She's brave and yet fragile. A beautiful human being.

"Thank you, Kosei. Thank you so much." her words are nothing but genuine.

'So cruel. You're so cruel.' Kosei can't help but think. To shower him such emotion, how can he calm his heart?

"You don't have to thank me. Seriously." he stated as if it was nothing.

'Hey, Kaori Miyazono, hurry up and catch up.' Kosei stared at her, he knows that he can't convey this right now as this might bring trouble for her.

'Good grief. Hey, seriously, tell me. You know my feelings for you right?' he wanted to tell her this now.

You know that I love you, right? Tell me, Kaori. Tell me and don't run.

Kaori gave him a sweet smile and he returned it with a gentle and fond smile that he can only give to her, only for her.


Kaori attended the next school day. It was Watari who informed the other two and base on his message, Kaori already looks okay. After learning what happened that day, the three of them decided to take extra care of Kaori and make sure that she will be okay hence, they keep communicating about her situation. They might sound something like a creepy stalker but hey, isn't it normal to be worried about their friend? As long as Kaori will not notice, then isn't that fine as well?

"I want to go to the recital. I think I am okay with my grades this semester as well. I have to confirm with sensei though." Kaori said as she flips the music sheets, looking for a piece that she can play today. She is currently in the club room with Kosei. It was like they are already back to normal but they still keep watching over Kaori's emotions.

"Isn't that okay already? That will be on Sunday right? I am free that day and Tsubaki and Watari already agreed to go as well. What's on it?" Kosei asked as he continues to eat his sandwich. He wasn't able to eat earlier for lunch that's why he is eating right now.

Kaori shrugged. "45 minutes long per competitor and any works from Mozart's or Bach. I am planning to choose from Bach's works." She paused, "Maybe…. Partita No. 2, Chaconne?"

"Then what's the matter? You are kind of hesitant to join. Are you having a hard time playing Partita No. 2, Chaconne?" Kosei inquired. It is not like Kaori at all to hesitate to join a recital. If she sets on her mind that she wants to join, then she will surely join.

"I don't know." she sighed. Truthfully, she also doesn't know why she's still hesitating to join the competition. "I will think about it. Give me until tomorrow."

"Then, tomorrow it is."

Kaori then stood up, holding her violin as she dropped the music sheets that she's been looking since earlier. It seems that she already knows what to play. Well, Kosei's already done eating and he was thinking that maybe he can join her.

"Hey, Kosei. Play with me." with the same enthusiasm and without waiting for his response, Kaori started to play.

'Song from a Secret Garden.' This is the piece that he wanted her to hear him playing. Kosei can't help but smile and starts to play as well.

The wind blew as he started to reminisce.

When did they start the first name basis again? Wasn't it the time where Tsubaki and Watari pointed them out as they heard the two of them still calling each other by their last name? Kosei was already used to calling her 'Miyazono' and she calls him 'Arima', 'Hey', or 'Friend A'. He never thought that he needed to hear her say his name not until he heard her calling him 'Kosei' without honorifics.

He can still remember how his heart trembled and he was frozen in his spot. Watari keeps teasing him about how he looks like when Kaori called him using his name and he can't even deny it as he felt how hot his face was at that time. In exchange, he called her Kaori as well. Since then, they keep calling each other using their first name. It was kind of awkward at first but then they already got used to it and did not mind it anymore. They already felt closer than before hence there is nothing wrong with the first name basis.

'Ah. Wouldn't be wonderful if we stay like this forever?'

This feeling of contentment, is this wrong? He does not have any plan of confessing yet. It's fine. As long as she's here beside him, then it will be alright. They have their own world of music that even Watari is envious. It is not like he wants to monopolize Kaori. Well, maybe a little but it is also okay to share Kaori with Tsubaki and Watari as they are also Kaori's friend. It is also okay to let the world see Kaori as she is a talented woman. Kosei just wants to at least have her consider him as a man and give him a special place in her heart. Kosei looked over to Kaori who has her eyes closed while playing gracefully. Really. This girl stirs up his emotions.

Kosei never knows that everything is about to change.


Dear Kaori Miyazono, to the person who always LieWhere stories live. Discover now