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A N N I E ' S P O V

I walk into class thinking it's going to be a great day until Mrs.Cooper says, "Class I would like you to meet our new student, Olivia!"

I hope it's not Olivia from First Class.
" Hi, I'm Olivia and I do gymnastics and I hope to be as popular as I was at my old school!"
Ha in your dreams Olivia
" thank you Olivia, you can go sit by....Annie." "Annie raise your hand please!" Why did she have to pick me!
I raise my hand and I can see Olivia smirking at me.
She sits by me and hands and writes down something in her ugly notebook.
She folds the paper And throws it in my lap.

She has to learn grammar

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She has to learn grammar.
I turn to her and say,   
" who told you that?"
" Some girl"

How dare she try to take Jack? MY JACK!  The Jack i have liked since the movies. Which was 3 months ago! I have liked him for 3 months and now she comes and steals him? NO! NOT ON MY WATCH!

As soon as the bell (7) rings for lunch I hurry up and leave so that I can tell Kenzie everything. But the snake 🐍 stops me .  What does she not understand? Ugh!
She says to me,
" I know that you are dating Hayden"
" Ok and?"
" If you let me have Jack I won't tell Hayden anything"
I don't know what the last chapter was about that was a huge mess sooo.... Yeah! Back to the story pretend the last chapter never happened plz.

" No!"
" I can tell him right now"
" Go ahead Liv! I don't care! You are such a brat! Do whatever you want I don't care anymore!"
" Fine! I will!"
She storms out and I just stand there. I can't move. What about your reputation Annie? You will be the new school slut! I can't really think straight so I just breakdown. Right in the middle of the class room.

Hey Guys I'm finally back and while im typing this im listening to my diamonds 💎 diamonds 💍
I dont know how i did this but I did. Anywaysss.. I actually got with my crush and we have been dating since the 9th and im on spring break by the way. So I love you alll ❤️

-Simena ❤️ 💕 💗

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo do do do do do do do do dooo

414 words

414 words

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