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Hi I know I haven't been updating for two months and I'm sorry. I have state reports right now and my phone is really really cracked like cracked badly. I might get a new phone (I think it's iPhone 6s.)and my sister is graduating from high school. and I am graduating ...not graduating really,  like graduating from elementary school. i get out of school In 14 days .
Anyways here's the story.
(. By the way Annie and Hayden have been dating for three months) because my phone is cracked, there's gonna be a lot of spelling mistakes.

Annie's POV
May 14 , 2017
I put my hair in a high ponytail, put on a random grey hoodie from the floor, and some jeans.

 I'm gonna tell him today

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I'm gonna tell him today. Today's Hayden and I 's anniversary. I know that it's mean but Ever since I saw Sydney and Olivia flirting with Jack and Asher, I just couldn't keep it In anymore.  Hayden's been hanging with Kenzie more than me. Maybe there's something going on with them. 
As I walk out I see Hayden and Kenzie waiting outside my door.
A- Hey Kenzie. Babe.
H and K- Hi Annie.
A- so did you guys come together?
K- yeah. We were at the diner at first and then we came to get you.
A- It's 6:55 the diner isn't open until 8:00.
H- wElL-
K- *whispers to Hayden* should I tell her?
H- *whispers back* not-
A- Are you guys coming or not
H and K - HOLD ON

That was weird. I think that Kenzie and Hayden are dating. Kenzie has liked Hayden since the 6th grade. Hayden liked her for 5 months last year. Kenzie wouldn't do that right?

~~~~~~Time skip to lunch ~~~~~~
I gonna tell him  now. I walk into the bathroom and find Hayden covering up something.
A- Hayden...
H: oh hey ke- babe.
A- I have to tell you something.
H: what is it?
A- I'm breaking up with you.
H: what? Why?
A- I think you and Kenzie are dating soo.
H: Babe come out.
I turn around and I see Kenzie coming out of the stall.

Word count: 402

Thank you so much for 1K reads, because i got 1k I decided to add another part

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Thank you so much for 1K reads, because i got 1k I decided to add another part. I have writers block rn sooo. But school ends in 11 days. So yeah. I love you all and I'll see you tomorrow.

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