Sorry Mom

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Sorry Mom

"Percy? What do you mean you aren't coming? Winter break ends tomorrow. Are you..." sally questioned, a confused expression settling on her face.

"I'm staying Mom. Things are changing and I need to change as well if I want to keep up. I'm really sorry, but this," Percy pauses, gesturing to the camp behind him, before gesturing to her, "and you, mean more to me than education. Plus Annabeth said she would tutor me and Chiron is a certified teacher. It'll be like I never missed anything." He said with a small smile. He would never tell his mother of what happened at Camp. She was already too involved in this world, and he wouldn't lose her to it.

"I see... well then can you do one thing for me and promise that you'll iris message me when you have a chance?" Sally said, a small plea hidden in her voice. In all her years, there had never been a time where she was as ready to break down as now. Her son, her pride and joy, was leaving her to save the world. She could only hold back tears of joy. He had grown up so quickly, and now this world was taking him from her.

"I promise mom. Thank you for understanding." Percy whispered as he embraced his mother. She had been his lifeline for the first twelve years of his life, and maybe she still was. He would sacrifice the world to save her, but he would save it if it meant she would be okay.

"I'm serious! Once a week mister!" Sally said with my playful seriousness. She internally cried as the sinking feeling in her gut blossomed out of control. Why did it feel like this was the last time she would... no, she couldn't think like that. He was strong, he was good, just as she raised him to be. He would be just fine.

The hug between the child and parent tightened, before ending completely. Percy watched his mother get back into her car, driving back towards Manhattan. A determined glint settled in his eyes. He would do it for her, he would do it for all of them. That would be the last time he ever saw his mother.

Percy turned on his heel, heading towards the arena. It had become his home away from home in a sense. If one wished to find the son of Poseidon, the beach or the arena was you're best bet. Many campers ranging from those closest to him, to those who barely knew him were worried.

The son of the sea had taken to fighting like Zeus had to power. He was constantly training, whether it be with a weapon or his powers regarding water. In just a few days he had already eclipsed the strongest of camp, and within weeks he would be coming back around, almost like he was passing them in a race for a second time.

But, there was one saving grace to what could become a destructive tendency and Annabeth was her name. She could give the boy a look and he would all but drop what he was doing. The two of them had grown close, and some thought there were going to be sparks of a relationship, but alas that wasn't the case. The two of them had even talked about it after a rumor went around about them dating. They were both content with their lives as they were, both of them wishing for something that could never be.

Percy wasn't surprised to find the arena empty when he arrived. Most kids who remained at camp took this time of year as an off season, while the rest of them had gone home to attend school. The boy could understand why they went, but knew he himself couldn't do it any longer.

His mother had left barely minutes ago, but his heart already longed to hear her voice. It was like he could taste her cookies, but if he focused on it, the feeing would evade him, leaving him crestfallen. The hero quickly shook his head before starting his newly created regiment. It wasn't easy, but he knew it would pay off in the end. 

The hundred push-ups, sit-ups, leg-lifts, and squats left him weaker than a dog, but the three mile run around the track is what truly killed his muscles each day. With a small sigh and a few internal musings about how he was going to work himself to death before the Titans could get him, Perseus set to work.

Sometimes during his workouts, other campers would join in, especially Clarisse, who didn't like to be out done by someone she considered a runt. Many of them could probably keep up with him, maybe even surpass him, but they all fell away while he kept going.

None of them understood what was coming. There was a storm brewing, and the calm they were experiencing now was about to get washed away in the flood. It hardly mattered to him though. If he had to, Percy would stand alone against Kronos' armies and against Kronos himself. He couldn't quite blame them though. They knew a war was coming, but they had no idea about the prophecy, or of his date with the underworld.

The boy was just about finished, maybe midway through his run when he heard his name being called, which thoroughly annoyed him. Not only did he have his run to finish, but then he had sword practice and then training with his powers after that. He was nowhere close to done and yet people were already interrupting him.

Percy was just about to keep going, deciding they could wait, but a nagging feeling told him to look at who was calling him first, and boy was he glad. Standing there in all her golden glory was Annabeth, and she looked absolutely pissed.

Maybe I should just keep running... act like I can't hear her....

He was ready to take on god's and Titans, but the idea of an annoyed Annabeth scared the Hades out of him. With a groan, the boy quickly changed course and jogged over to the daughter of Athena.

"I don't think you understand how upset I am with you." The blonde started. She had only said a single sentence and Percy could already tell he was in for the long haul.

"What ever could you mean?" Percy replied, hoping innocence would save him. Fat chance of that working. She can see through me like glass.

"Don't pull that card. We both know what I'm talking about. How could you do that to her?" Annabeth said, her voice slowly rising to just under a shout. She was absolutely livid with the boy in front of her.

"What?" Percy squeaked. She scared him alright? Get off his back.

"Your mom! How could you just leave her! You have the best mortal parent out of probably anybody at this camp, and yet you chose to stay?" Annabeth was shouting now as she grabbed his wrist.

"You already knew I was going to though, you said you would tutor me if I stayed." Percy replied, gaining a little spine back.

"I thought you were joking! Percy! Your mom drove here to pick you up and you made her turn around and go home!" She shouted, her nails digging into his arm.

"Annabeth, I don't have a choice! I can stay if I want, and I'm a hundred percent sure I need to. This world around us, yeah it's currently resting on my back! If I'm not strong enough, if I don't push myself to my absolute limits, then it's all good as gone. I'm staying here for her! For you! For everyone! I'd much rather be home with my mom." Percy shouted back, his spine back. He never liked arguing with Annabeth, mostly because he rarely won, but also because he always felt like garbage afterwards, whether he won or lost.

His words seemed to sink through her thick head, and he watched as the anger left her, slowly being replaced with guilt.

"Percy, I..." The blonde started only to be cut off.

"Save it, Annabeth. I don't have time for this right now. I'll see you later at dinner, alright?" Percy said, hoping to brush the incident aside.

Annabeth gave him a small nod, before leaving. Percy sighed. He tried and tried, but he could never understand that girl. Thalia had told him about her bad home life, but he had assumed that he been fixed a long time ago considering she went home last year. Maybe things were on the rocks again?

The boy shook his head as if that would get rid of the thoughts. He'd talk to her later after he was finished, check-in and see if she was alright. But that was the thing. In a fight for your life, could you ever really say you've had enough training?

Guiding Light (Perzoe)(Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now