Hidden Truths

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Hidden Truths

"What do you mean I can't come? Percy, the quest mentions a child of Athena..." Annabeth said, clearly piss s at her best friend, only to get cut off by said friend.

"That's exactly why I'm not letting you come! 'Child Of Athena's final stand'? That's like signing your own death warrant!" Percy shouted, his eyes pleading with the stubborn gut in front of him.

"I can take care of myself, and plus, you'll be there. I have full faith that you'll be able to protect not only yourself, but me too." The blonde would never truly realize the full weight behind her words. Hearing her say this, Percy turned stoic.

Bianca had faith in him protecting her, and look where she is now. Nico had begged him, made him swear that he'd keep his sister safe, and now he too was gone, disappeared into the night.

"Alright, you can go." Percy relented before turning to a wide eyed Chiron, "Sir, do you have anything that could help us in the maze?" The boy asked hopefully. Anything would help on that death trap known as the Labyrinth.

"I do believe we might have something. Take a look up in the attic. Last I remember, a demigod managed to find the String of Ariadne after it was lost. It should still be up there, unless.." Chiron stayed, his voice trailing off towards the end. Percy could tell what had caused the old mentor to hold his tongue but hoped his blonde friend couldn't. There was a high possibility Luke had taken it with him when he'd switched sides, something Percy prayed hadn't happened.

"I'll go take a look, Annabeth, can you pick the both of us a bag? Maybe round up another quest member as well?" Percy asked, giving his closest friend a small smile. She returned the smile with a nod and quickly set out to accomplish the tasks given to her.

"Why do I feel you've kept something back? Nothing comes of hidden truths, Percy." Chiron said, giving him a concerned look.

"I'll be venturing into the Labyrinth alone. I work better when I don't have to watch over someone, plus I'll be able to move faster. It shouldn't take me more than a week or two." Percy replied, ignoring the appalled look on his mentors face.

"Perseus... I can't let you do this. There's a reason quests are given to trios. It's too dangerous. And what do I tell Annabeth? She'll be devastated that you left, along with the rest of the camp. What do I tell them if you don't come back?" Chiron reasoned, trying to show his student how wrong his thinking was.

"People die Chiron, it's something I'm still learning to get over. I need to do this on my own. I can't let anyone else I know die on me." Percy shot back, a broken look on his face. "I'm trying to hold it all in, to shove it down with training and studying, but I feel like I'm... like I'm ripping at the seams. I don't know what I'll do if someone else does because of me, especially Annabeth. She's my best friend...." The boy ran his arm across his face, wiping away any tears that had managed to get free. Percy Jackson doesn't cry. He needs to be the leader, a figure that doesn't let anything get him down.

"Percy... my dear boy... it's okay to be human. These feelings, they'll heal with time, just like everything." Chiron said, reaching to hug his favorite pupil, only for Percy to shove him away.

"I don't have any more time!" Percy roared, rage and hopelessness overtaking his heart. "My death date is just over a year away and I can't tell anyone. I'm going to die when I turn sixteen, and I can't even tell my Mom. I'm ready to give my life for this world Chiron, but I need you to let me do it my way. I'll be back soon, I promise."

As soon as his outburst was over, the boy bolted from his mentor's room, heading towards the attic. He would grab the String, pack a small bag, and then slip away into the maze.

Finding the string took a long minute, but a smile worked its way on to his face as he pulled it from a dust covered box. With his prize in hand, Percy quickly made his way to his cabin, weaving through the cluster of demigods, each too busy to notice his hurried gait.

Packing a bag that was set to last him a week, took less time than he thought. It only held the essentials such as ambrosia, nectar, a few bottles of water, a dagger, and an extra pair of clothes.

With his backpack tight against his back, the demigod stepped out of his cabin, ready to slip away into the Labyrinth, but a gut feeling told him to check on Annabeth. Just in case he never saw her again. It was depressing, but there was no use denying it.

With practiced stealth that could rival a hunter, Percy crept around the back of the cabins before sparing a look into the Athena cabin. Circled around a table covered in papers, was the entire cabin, each and everyone of them seemingly giving pointers to Annabeth before her supposed quest. He felt bad for ditching her, but knew it was for the better.

With his heart content and his mind focused, the son of Poseidon easily navigated his way to Zeus' fist before doing a quick check that no one was around. When he assured himself that he was alone, Percy slipped into the crevice, before dropping into the Labyrinth's entrance.

"Time to get started." Percy breathed, pulling the famous ball of string from his backpack.

And here's the first chapter of the quest. Btw, as you can already tell, the quest will be widely different from BoL. Percy is all on his own, but he's much stronger than his counterpart. What will happen to the poor Son of Poseidon, determined to save his friends.

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