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Percy felt as if he'd been walking for days when Annabeth finally decided she was ready to head home. He'd been training for months now, but when the daughter of Athena was on a mission, nothing got in her way. The boy had to suppress a small smile at how alike they were.

They'd spent the last few hours traversing the tunnels that seemingly interchanged like that of a maze. One moment they were in the subways of New York, the next they were in the sewers of San Francisco, with tons of different places in between. It was like they had traveled the world as he observed the passing architecture. He swore some parts of the tunnels reminded him of the Greek Architecture displayed in camp. Percy was just about to comment about it, but Annabeth beat him to the chase.

"Hey Percy? Is it just me, or do you some of this stuff looks...Greek?" The blonde questioned, a small aura of fear escaping with her words as her hand ran across the cracked marble.

"I thought so too, but what would the Greeks have been doing here in America? They didn't even know of it, right?" He replied, interested in where his closest friend was taking this.

"I think I know what we've been walking through the past few hours.... do you remember anything about the Labyrinth?" Annabeth asked, turning to face him as she relaxed against one of the nicer sections of the walls.

"Of course. It was a maze created by Daedalus, guarded by the Minotaur. Perseus navigated it using the string from... I can't remember her name, but it was one of his quests. Are you saying that we are IN the Labyrinth?" Percy responded, growing a little more fearful as he realized what the daughter of Athena was getting at.

"It was Theseus, no Perseus, and to be honest, I'm pretty much one hundred percent sure we are. As we've been walking, I've noticed little triangles carved into the walls as random intervals. The triangle, or Delta as the Greeks called it, was known to be Daedalus' symbol, especially when it came to the Labyrinth." She said, running a hand through her hair. Percy could feel the fear flowing off the girl in front of him, and he couldn't blame her. He was scared himself. They were in a maze that was dead set on killing them, known to be unnavigable without the famous golden string.

"Gods Of Olympus, I think I'm done with the mythological world for today. Do you think we have a chance of getting back?" Percy asked, mentally compartmentalizing his fear. It would do him no good to let his brain wander on the 'what ifs' of this place.

"I've been tracing our steps this entire time, so if the Labyrinth is forgiving enough and hasn't changed yet, then we should be fine. If not, we take the first exit we can and travel back to camp through mortal means." Percy blanched at the idea, but agreed that it was their best option.

"Lead the way then, oh wise one!" He said with a slight bow, hoping it would get rid of the fear surrounding them, suffocating them. It seemed to work for a moment when he felt a hand smack him on his head, before Annabeth let out a small giggle.

"Gods you can be so sarcastic, I think we're gonna have to call you Persassy Jackson from now on." She said letting out another round of laughter. While fear was racing through her head because of their current predicament, she was also extremely grateful for it.

Even though they were just friends, and that's all they ever planned to be, she had come to deeply care for the son of Poseidon. It had hurt in more ways than one when he'd closed himself off to the world, from his friends, from her. She had been scared he'd changed forever, but small moments like these had dashed those thoughts, and she was glad she'd been wrong.

"As long as I get my blue cookies, then I don't care what you call me." Percy said, a far off look In his eyes.

That was the last they spoke to each other as they walked the tunnels of the Labyrinth, ever so slowly making their way back home. Annabeth couldn't help but marvel at the architecture and how flawlessly is translated from different cultures across the world. The walk back seemed to be considerably shorter than their walk when exploring, but the sight of a subway tunnel ahead gave her hope that they'd made it back.

Guiding Light (Perzoe)(Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now