Chapter Twenty-Three || Thrilling

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"Evil is just live spelt backwards."


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Jim Gordon looked through the window on the interrogation room's door and stared at Charlotte, who was sitting on a chair and was cuffed to the table. The blonde was staring down at her hands with a thoughtful expression and didn't even notice Jim on the other side of the door. The Captain of the Gotham City Police Department sighed before turning the doorknob and stepping into the room.

She turned her head to look at him and smiled slightly. "Hey, Jim. I was hoping you would hurry up. I was kinda tired of just sitting here. I swear I could feel Bullock glaring at me through that one-way mirror". She pointed at the one-way mirror and chuckled.

Jim leaned against the wall beside the door and sighed. "What the hell, Charlotte?"

"Four years have gone by since the day you walked into the GCPD," Charlotte reminded and Jim looked at her while remembering the day they first met right after the Wayne murders. Charlotte and Ed had examined the bullet found on Thomas' chest and went to tell him all they knew about it. "Can you imagine this was how things were gonna end?"

"So this is the end?" Jim asked.

"How could it not be?" Charlotte asked in return. "You caught me robbing a bank, Jim. I even wrote those same words I painted at the museum when I caused you to go to Blackgate two years ago. I suppose this is karma".

Jim leaned away from the wall and stepped closer to the table Charlotte was cuffed to. "I don't wanna send you to Blackgate".

"Arkham then," Charlotte said with a nod and then looked away, but Jim noticed the fear in her voice. However, when she looked back at Jim, she had put on a brave face. She didn't want to show him she was scared of Arkham. She knew she didn't need to be scared anyway. Ed would break her out. "Guess that's fitting. I mean, the only way that I'm holding up right now is because of the pills Lee has been giving me, which I haven't taken this morning, by the way".

"Just give up Nygma," Jim told her and Charlotte shook her head right away. "Return the money and I can help relieve your sentence".

"You're asking me to betray my boyfriend," Charlotte said and shook her head once again. "That is not gonna happen. And I was really telling the truth when I said Ed had nothing to do with this".

"What about Lee?" Jim questioned.

Charlotte pretended to be surprised with that question. "Lee? I'm pretty sure she wouldn't agree on robbing banks, no matter how corrupt they are. Not to mention I haven't seen Lee in weeks".

"Yes, that's exactly what she said to me about you," Jim told her, not believing a single word coming out of Charlotte's mouth.

"See? There you have it," the blonde smiled at Jim. "I've robbed six banks. Me. No one else. Guess I had to do my own thing, you know? Make a name for myself".

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