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You stared at him. You felt your brain short circuit as you stared into his empty eyes. You wanted to faint and die but you knew that probably wouldn't happen.

Knowing creepypasta's actually exist is one thing, meeting one is another. As you were staring at Eyeless Jack you felt nauseous.

You clearly couldn't say anything to Jack but you also didn't think you would be able to move and throw up.

So you made some weird hand gestures before puking all over yourself. It was disgusting and revolting.

You almost puked again just because of the smell. Jack pulled his head back and turned away.

He left the room again and left you there, your head spinning and your stomach churning.

After what felt like a few hours, Jack came back with febreeze and sprayed it around the room.
You felt the need to comment on it.

"You know that isn't good for your patients, right?" you asked him. "The stuff in it could hurt whoever you're treating."

He looked at me for a moment before pointing it at you. When you tried to move your head away he started spraying it.

It got in your mouth a little but you managed to close your eyes in time. You spit a lot, trying to get the taste out.

"Ew, gross! God, fine! Kill your patients then! What kind of doctor are you?!" you exclaim in anger.

Jack just turns away and puts it down on the table next to you. He then looks at you and tilts his head a little.

"You may be my patient but you are not my responsibility. Understand?" You nod. "Good. Now how does that make you feel?"

You glare at him a little but it was a little funny. The sentence 'how does that make you feel?' Used to be an inside joke between you and a few friends.

One of those friends happened to be Olivia, the one who tried to kill you to become a creepypasta.

You then realized something. You tried to sit up despite the pain. When Jack silently advised you against it you continued to stand.

You almost fell over and your head was spinning but you continued on. You had stuff to do and places to be.

"Where are you going?" asks Jack. You look at him. He could give you answers.

"Do you know where Olivia is?" you ask.

"Uhm, no, why?"

You groan, a little in pain and a little bit in annoyance. You turn around again and mutter a, "whatever" before walking away.

Unfortunately, right as you opened the door you were stabbed through the stomach. It didn't seem to hit anything major but it still hurt like hell.

You fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Oh, god!" you cried out. "What have I done to deserve this? God, probably a lot but I don't deserve to be stabbed for it!"

Jeff, who you thought was most likely the one who stabbed you, turned to Jack and whispered, "is she always this dramatic?"

You heard Jack give a small grunt in annoyance. He leaned down and picked you up.

You thanked god silently for having someone have to take care of you. It still sucked to be stabbed but it was cool.

Jack put you down on the bed you had originally been placed in and continued his conversation with Jeff.

"Do you know anyone named Olivia?" asked Jack.

Jeff hummed, "yeah, she's a newcomer. Apparently someone came with her, too."

You could practically hear Jack turn and glare at you.

"I know," Jack says, poison on his tongue. You almost laugh but are in too much pain.

Truth be told, you were only still awake to see if you could get any information from these people.

But as they continue to talk, you realize that you weren't going to get anything from them.

When you hear Jack shove Jeff out, you debated finally going to sleep but Jack walks back to you and sits down next to your bed.

"God, you're annoying," he says.

"Gee, thanks," you respond. Jack doesn't seem surprised that you responded.

"You need to sleep," is all he says. You slowly nod as to not accidentally hurt yourself.

Suddenly, a thought hits you.

"Are you blind?"

And you, yet again, can feel his glare.

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