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You were tired. Inside the cube had been absolute hell.

You've had to crawl through mud, climb up ladder after ladder, and dodge flying projectiles, or arrows.

It felt like it took the entire day. It felt like it had taken more than a day.

Your stomach wasn't happy with the lack of food and your throat was aching from lack of water.

You had debated sleeping on the floor. After all, you hadn't slept since coming into this cube.

You've just kept walking forward. Kept going forward. And after all that, you reached a door. A large, red door.

You opened it slowly, not knowing what could possibly be behind it. You didn't like what you saw.

A long hallway, on that slowly got smaller the more you walked through it. If this was the way out though, then it'd pay off.

You walked until you had to crawl. The hallway started getting larger again. It ended off a blank cube with see through walls.

Outside of the see through walls was nothing. There was legitimately nothing out there, not even stars or white light.

You stepped into the cube. You waited for a moment before your legs gave out. There was nothing.

You were never getting out of here, never getting out of this. You felt like weeping. This was horrible.

You just wanted out. You didn't want to be here anymore. You didn't want to do this anymore.

You debated committing suicide. I mean, clearly there was nothing here for you. You couldn't escape, there was no one else here.

A clang took you out of your thoughts. You turned quickly, still sitting. The hallway behind you was gone.

It was just another side of the cube. You were stuck in a giant, floating cube that sat in literal nothingness.

A few years escaped and you let out a sad laugh. Years and years of putting up with peoples bullshit and learning about medicine. It all led to this.

No medicine could make you feel better right now. You cried and cried until you heard a voice.

"Whoa, what? Masky? Where are we? Where's my mask?"

Hope filled your body and soul. It was Jack. You couldn't look at him though, too busy crying to the floor.

You took in a breath, hoping to respond, but you just chocked on your tears, crying more.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" Jack asks. Suddenly, you felt embarrassed for crying. You put your head in your knees and hope he doesn't notice the tears.

"Are you crying? Is Masky here? What is this?" Jack continues asking. You can picture him looking around, trying to find a way out.

"Welcome one, welcome all! I'm the one Slenderman sent you to. Masky is sitting in my office, watching. Unfortunately he can't take part in this experiment."

You recognized that voice anywhere. He was the tall man, the one who threw you into the temple.

"Also unfortunate is that (Y/N) didn't pass the first experiment. Not that it's a bad thing, just disappointing," the man says.

"Who are you?" asks Jack. He's still looking around for a way to escape. Little does he know, he's not going to escape until you pass or fail.

"Well, (Y/N), dear. This next test requires more than just Jack. So," he clicks and your parents show up in two different boxes. "Here. Good luck."

You wiped your tears when you heard your parent panicked voices. They were worried for you, despite their own situations.

"Mom, dad, calm down. I'm okay, I'm okay. What about you two? Are you guys okay?" you ask them.

"We're alright, honey. Do you know where we are though? I was at work and I'm not really on break," your mom says.

You dad nods, "I was in a meeting. College won't pay for itself."

You watch your mom glance at your dad, an unreadable expression on her face. Your stomach twisted with guilt.

You weren't going to college anymore, you were kind of trapped in a mansion with murderers surrounding you.

Your parents knew you weren't attending, you thought. They definitely knew, with the glances and unspoken words.

"Where have you been, honey? Me and your dad have missed you. You haven't been calling."

Your voice quivers when you answer it they don't notice, "yeah, I've been busy doing projects. End of the year stuff."

Your parents nod to each other, accepting your answer. They start to talk to each other, sometimes including you.

You turn your attention to Jack. He's facing away from you. You almost don't know what to say. Scratch that, you had no idea what to say.

"Jack?" you ask. "Are you okay?"

He's sitting, facing away from you. He doesn't respond at first. He's hunched over and seems defeated, which is unlike Jack.

"I-," Jack starts. "I don't have my mask."

You stare at him, not following. You ask, "what about your mask? Why do you need it?"

"I'm just-. You know what? It's nothing. I'm just looking for a way to escape."

He stands up slightly, making sure you don't see anything of his face. You wondered but can't do anything about it.

You're about to say something more when you hear your parents scream. You turn to face them quickly, standing on your tired feet.

"Dad? Mom? No!" you screamed. Their boxes were getting smaller and smaller, crushing them.

You couldn't do anything, you were powerless. You heard a sickening snap and your mom cried out.

Her leg was twisted in a strange way. You screamed at the man who put you all in boxes to stop.

After a crack coming from your dad and his arm looking broken, it stopped. You didn't do anything magical, because you weren't magical.

A click and your parents were gone. You were crying about them and the sound you heard and their screams.

"Oh, don't worry. They'll live. They won't remember this and they won't be hurt. Clearly, they didn't work. It's time for step two. Jack, good luck."

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