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"I'm hungry," you said, dragging out the y. You were hungry, your neck hurt, your legs burned. You wanted a break.

"You can rest when we get there. Right now we need to walk," Masky replies. He's a critical as always.

"We're gonna do this, this, and this. No exceptions! I don't want to hear it unless you're dying or dead!" you make fun of him in a really high voice.

Masky looks at you, a hint of disappointment on his face but you just laugh at him.

"Ha, ha," he says. "I'm (Y/N) and all I wanna do is make this trip last longer because I'm a little perfect princess who can't walk just ten more minutes."

You felt a pang in your chest. That sentence hurt you emotionally. You pushed the feeling away and laughed.

"It's not my fault I didn't eat!"

"I mean... it kinda is," Jack cuts in. You turn to glare at him.

"Hey, hey. Ladies, you're both pretty. Now, come on we're almost there," Masky waves is ahead.

"Fine, dad. We'll get walking. Also, you said we were almost there like an hour ago!"

"Cause we were, in a way, almost there."

You sighed at the boy. You looked at your feet as you walked. You could hear your own breaths but the boys' breaths seemed nonexistent.

You kicked a small rock out of the way. A door creaked. You looked up to see the huge house of the power expert.

Masky walks up first, signaling you and Jack to wait as if it was a cop show where he's about to find the bad guy.

You and Jack give each other a look before just sitting and waiting. Masky goes in and doesn't come out.

Jack decides he should check if Masky is okay. Jack goes into the large building as well.

A throat gets cleared. A tick is heard.

"And I'm going to shove a clock down your ass if you try to scare me. Or kill me," you declare, loud and proud of your words.

"Contrary to what you may believe, I'm not all terrors. I can be fun at times," his annoyingly familiar voice says.

"At times."

"So mean. You hurt me, (Y/N). You really do."

You turn to face the tall man. His brown eyes managed to capture your curiosity. You wanted to know what he was talking about yesterday.

What power do you not have? What makes you so weird? What, what, what, what, what!

"I can see the curiosity in your eyes," he says. You nod a little, knowing to not lie to this strange man.

He smiles a wide grin, "lets go on a walk then."

You stand up to follow him. When he turns around to walk away, you snap out of your trance.

"Wait, where are we going? I just got to sit down, I don't want to walk again," you protest.

He clicks and laughs, "well just be walking for a little while. Trust me, it won't be a lot."

You decide that with no one else here, you might as well follow. I mean, he did say that he wasn't going to hurt you.

Reluctantly, you walk behind him. You try to ask where you're going again but every time he avoids the question or just straight up doesn't answer.

If there's anything worse than a mysterious person, it's an annoying mysterious person who could kill you.

After only a minute or two of walking, you come face to face with a building. It looks like a jungle temple from Minecraft but you don't know if there's any traps in there.

The man turns around and clicks, "time to go in. You'll have fun, I'll learn a thing or two, and the creepypastas will suffer knowing the truth."

Whatever this was, it wasn't good. You didn't go near it. The man walked up to you and ushered you in.

You tried to fight back against his push but he was much stronger. Hey, he was a power expert who undoubtedly had his own powers.

He was too strong for you to defeat. You get shoved into the temple, the bang of the door closing behind you.

You were trapped in there, no doubt. You tried the door, revealing it to be locked. You were left in the dark, with only the walls to guide you.

Maybe it wouldn't be that bad. Maybe you'd get out alive. At this point, you didn't know when you were gonna die and when you weren't.

Hopefully you'd live. Or maybe not hopefully. At this point, you were too tired to care.

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