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Milly's view:

Finally we are landing in London. I stand up from my seat and search for my little suitcase. The man from the Argentinian airport was also an English habitant, but he lives near Scotland, so we'll probably never meet again.
Thousands of peoples are rushing through the airport and after one hour, I finally got my main suitcase. After I'm outside of this lively place I took a taxi, which should bring me in my cute little flat in the centre of the English capital. I'm looking outside of the window. It's as always, a rainy and cold day in the middle of december. In only two weeks will be christmas. If I will know the boys at this time? Either it would be very great, but otherwise I don't know how to deal with it. I order my thoughts and remember, that I have to phone my mum, that I'm save and back in our country.

It's ringing 2 times. Then finally she takes up:
,,Omg, Milly ? Are you save?¨, was her first question.
I chuckel a bit than I say,, Sure! Mum, it was amazing! The whole trip! And the concert, and the boys! Emma and I had a great time!¨
,,Oh that's great. I really love to hear that! Are you coming to visit us before or after christmas? We are missing you !¨, she asks with a sad voice.
,,I don't know yet, but I'll try to come as fast as I can. I promise!¨, I say with excitement.
,,Good. Thanks for the call. Love you honey!¨

I chuckled, because I was happy. The taxi driver gives me a fast look through his mirrow.
Suddenly my phone rings one more time. I grab it but couldn't identify the written number. My heart is beating. Is this maybe one from Coldplay? Or could it be Chris ?
I anwered as I take up:
,,Milly Jenkins! Hello?¨
,,Oh hey Mrs. Jenkins, finally I reach you!¨, a warm mans voice, which I didn't know speak. But I know one thing now: It''s not Chris !
,, Who are you?¨, I ask.
,,My name is Phil Harvey. You already wrote the band a letter and Chris Martin wrote back. Is it possible, that you come over to the Bakery in 2 hours? The boys and I want to meet you as soon as possible!¨, he replies.

I couldn't believe what I just heard or anyway who he was . The man, who talks the whole time with me is the creative boss and fiths member of Coldplay.

,,Uhmm.......Mrs Jenkins? Can you hear me?¨
,, Yes .....sure I can! Sorry I was just thinking. Yeah I think I could make it. Thanks for the invitation! Should I take anything with me ?
,, Good ok the boys will be happy to hear that and especially Chris . Yeah.. maybe you could take your instrument with you. Guy would love that.¨
,,I will take it with me. Thanks Mr. Harvey! We'll see each other soon!¨
As I hang up I couldn't stop laughing and smiling all over my face. And what did he just says? Especially Chris will love to hear that? So that means he remebers me from the lonely stadium in Argentina? 

Soon after the little conversation with Phil was over, the taxi arrives at my flatblock. The cap driver was very kind and so he helped me to get my luggage in. I thanked and payed him, then he left.
As I'm on the second floor, I take my key out of my little case and hop into the flat. Suddenly the lyrics of Charlie Brown droppes in my head and so I start to sing the first line from the colourful song:

I stole a key,
I took a car downtown, where the last boys meet
I took a car downtown and took what they offer me....

I chuckled a bit because I knew, I would meet the boys in at least two hours.
Everything looks the same as I left it, only the flowers were limp, dump and ready for the waste. That means, that my mum wasn't here to water them. Little bit sad about it, I take my suitcase and lay it into my bedroom. After sort out the dirty clothes from the fresh ones, I make myself coffe and search for my saxophone.
I hope I can play with it, after all this years. Otherwise it would be very embaressing in front of Guy and the others.
I grab the saxophone- suitcase, take also my house key and soon after I locked my flat once again, I'm heading to the Bakery and finally to Coldplay !

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