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Chris view:

Where is she? She can't be outside alone for such a long time. Something must have happend to her.
Hopefully she is alright
I go inside to the great rehearsal room and further to the kitchen, where my other friends and band mates are already sit.
,,Chris! Here, what do ya say? Blue one for Violet or the green one?¨, Jonny asks as he shows me two small bracelts in two different colours.
,,Well I don't know. What colour she likes more?¨, I resond.
,,Sometimes green and sometimes blue, that's why I ask you.¨, he gives me back.
,,Well my favourite colour is blue, so I'd rather go with that one.¨, I reply.
,,Thank you Chris. I'll give her this one. ¨, my best friend says.

I look through the room. We're just 3. Will, Jonny and I. I rough through my hair and try to order my thoughts.
What's wrong with Milly? Normally she had come to me after the call, but now it's nealy ten minutes ago, that we left. Maybe she had gone home, maybe she just want to sleep with me for telling a huge story? But no! She isn't such a person! She is sweet and kind and very gratefull for her life!

Suddenly she comes in the room with a disturbed and confused face expression written all over her face. Fast I stand up and go straight to her.
,,Hey are you ok? I thought you left us?¨, I ask.
,,No, how could I left you guys! And I'm ok! Thanks for asking!¨, she express while trying to smile.
,,How is you mum ?¨, was my next question.
,,I didn't phone her, just reding my new messages.¨, Milly adds.
,,But you stand outside for 10 minutes. Nobody could read the messages that slow, so what really happend outside?¨, I reply curios.
,,I......I got a .....¨, she starts but Guy storms the room.

,,Guys, sry for disturbing you but you need to watch this!¨, he estimates and switches the TV on.
A womans voice reaches my ears immediately, as she talks:

Does the front man and singer of the English Pop- Rock band Coldplay, Chris Martin get a new girlfriend?
After the picture from a party in London, where he danced very close with a young woman, who is obviously very young , fans all over the world think of a realtionship with the woman. [...]

Fast I take the remote controll and switch it off.
,,This is bullshit! Why in hell they can't let her out of the public and holy crap it's my life! And Milly's one too!

, They can't say such things!", I shout out.
,, Chris, but your fans are very understandfull and I would it be too and..", Milly begins.
,, Maybe, but I don't want that you get in the news or whatever. You're in my private life you now? You shouldn't be dragged into something, which can hurt you. I just want to protect you. '', I explain while hugging her.
,, It's ok Chris. I can understand.'', she replies.
,,Sobwhat you think we should do now?", Guy asks very briefly.
,, I need to tell the news that everything is allright and that they should better keep their mouths shut!", I say.

My feet leads me to the exit of the room where Phil catches me in the long hallway:
PH: Hey man, there you are. What's going on here? You are the number one thing in the news!
CM: I know, and I need to solve that problem. Stay patient, I'll manage this!
PH: why in hell, I expected sth. just like this?
CM: Listen Phil, Milly is a young, beautiful and self employed woman, you had gone through very bad things in life. I just want to give her the love and happiness she need in her life. Maybe I love, I'll never forget my band and I'll _______ with the news.
PH: OK, stay carefully!
CM: Always and thanks.

After the talk with our manager I ran finally to the exit. As I opened the door I can't believe my eyes. Hundreds of interviews and reporters stand in front of our music studio and waiting obviously for me. Well ok, that's going to be tough!

Interviewer 1: Mr. Martin! Mr. Martin! Who is that woman, who you danced with in the pub near the Bakery yesterday?

They won't gar anything or any detail out of me! Milly stay my secret. They will find it out but not yet!

Me: Unimportant

Stay cool Chris! If you say sth wrong you could faster be a unloved celebrity as you wish. But right now I don't care, it's for Milly!

Interviewer 2: are you two guys a couple and since when? I mean your break up with Gwyneth Paltrow was just one year ago, isn't that a bit fast?

If they mention Gwyneth once again, I burst out of range. They can trust me. But please, stay cool!

Me: First of all, we aren't a couple, we are just friends and please if we'll be let me worry about that. It's my life! Thank you!

After that a whole bunch of questions and interviewers storm of straight towards me, but I just max myself through the crowd.
What hell, happend now?? How they did found this out. I won't let anybody or anyone hurt her! I'll protect her through her lifetime!

After I ran a while, I could finally leave the crowd behind me. I now exactly where I have to go, but my bandmates and Milly? Jonny is smart, he'll find me!
I look up to the sky and mumble a words nobody could her: Fly on!

It's a cold galaxy ( A Coldplay Fanfiction | >> Completed Story <<) Where stories live. Discover now