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Chris' view:

The boys and I are sitting in the Bakery and waiting for Milly. Well ok, I'm the only one who is sitting here,sweating and trembling. Why I just can't be calm and thinking about the music or otherwise on my kids. I'm missing them. Really much. Apple and Gweneth visit us one time when we were on tour. This was very special for me. But now I can't think of my daughter for long. It's almost 4:30 p.m. and she isn't here yet. Did she missed it ? Or will she enter the door in a few seconds ? I don't know.
I'm looking through the room and see Guy and Jonny, who are doing sth. like a riff battle. Who can play more and better riffs in one minute, than the other one. Will is sitting by his drums while singing to In my place and Phil is searching for something on the internet. Jonny cheers as he obviosly beated Guy. I give my band mates a smile and they both smile back. Am I happy? Yes! Can I wait longer ? No! When does she arrive?

Than suddenly Phil heads to the entrance. What's going on? Is she finally here? Why I'm so nervous? Could someone explain me that? Please!
Everybody stops playing or singing automatically as the door swings up and Phil enters the big room with a young woman. Milly Jenkins!
She is it! I knew it ! The whole time ! The young woman from the stadium was also the writer of the letter !
She really flashes me and I'm feeling like I was hitting by a bus. My heart is beating like I run around 5 kilometres. What the hell is going on here?

At first Phil leads Milly to Guy and Jonny. She hugs both very tightly and long. The smile doesn't went from her face and so she grins and chuckles a lot. I like her laugh. It's very contaigious. I let a small grin run over my face too, but inside I couldn't be happier.
Than second Will. They both greet and hug each other. Milly looks very happy. After she changes a few words with him, Phil and the girl are walking over straight to me. Now my heart is beating much faster than before. It's jumping up & down. C' mon Chris ! She is much younger than you and maybe she has already a boyfriend.
After I could end all my thoughts she stands in front of me and smiles like a kid in Disneyland.

,,Hi!¨, she says with a sweet smile on her face.
,,Hello! I'm Chris ! But you already know this already, I guess!¨, I say with a grin on my face too. She giggles a bit and gets red. Why the hell, my cheeks flame up too. I hope she doesn't see that I'm getting red.
,,Can I hug you too?¨, she asks shy.
,,Yeah sure. Come on!¨, I respond.
Milly hugs me long and tightly. I think also longer than my band mates. I don't care, but what I really find funny is, that she is much smaller than I. This feels so good. I can hear the fast beating of her heart. Is this because of me or because of the whole band ? The only thing that matters now is, that I hope my heart wouldn't beat so fast and loud.
,,Thank you so much!¨,she says suddenly .
,,For what ?¨ I ask.
,,Fot the music and hope you gave my life. I can really say, that you are my lifesaver !¨, Milly answers.
,,Well ok. No problem!¨ I say instead.
As she stopps hugging me and left my arms I feel empty and alone.

Half an hour later:

All five of us sitting on the floor and talking about different stuff. Milly has introduced herself. Than she finally starts to build up her instrument.
Guy was, as I expected, overjoyed. As she was ready to play, we all smile at her and than Milly starts playing. Honestly this is very good and I think nobody, include me, expected that she would start with Adventure of a lifetime. Our new friend, plays the riff from Jonny like himself. She really impressed us. I also start singing

Turn the magic on, to me she says
Everything you want is a dream away.
Oh we arre legends, every day
That's what she tolds me

As she finished everybody clapping their hands. She feels blessed. I can see it.
After a jam session with the boys, where she just sitting on the floor or dance, we all stand up and ask if she want to go to the near Irish pub. Milly agrees and than we are on our way to it. Could this day become even better ?

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