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Thank you guys so much!!!!! This story doesn't even exist for a long time and nearly 130 people read it already. I know this is not a high number, but I never thought it would land on the 3rd place in the Ranking #coldplay
I mean I still look forward to the next places, but I'm not hoping for too much, because the story on the first place is really impressing.
To the cold galaxy: I know the name doesn't have anything with Coldplay in common, but it just burst in my mind, so I kept it. Thanks for every reader and for everyone who vote for it.
What do you think? Will Milly and Chris be a cute couple?

Chris' view:

Thank god, that I didn't get recognized at all. Of course some peoples are crossing ways with me in the time when Milly was away, but no one said sth like: Hey, you're Chris Martin from Coldplay ! Can I take a pictiure with you?
Sometimes I really hate being a celebrity at all. Everyone around the world knows you and scream your name. ,,But you ever wanted this, or not?¨, I ask myself while stading very impatient behind the coffee. Than finally a brown mop of hair is showing after the corner. It was Milly

,,Sorry for taking longer, than I thought. But my best friend workes and she gets really impulsive while talking.¨, she excuses herself when she reaches me.
,,Hey don't worry. It was a little hard not getting recognised, but I made it.¨, I answer.
The beautiful woman chuckels a bit. I look at her, not tying to starr at her like an idiot.
,,Well, you know where to go?¨, I request.
,,No, actually not.¨, she responds. ,,How about shopping ?¨
,,Really Milly? I mean I really like to spend the rest of the day with you, but a shopping mall will be even worse than this and I'm absolutely sure, that you don't want to stop our day every 10 minutes.¨, I anwer.
,,Yeah...You are right. But is the next park ok for you. Although it's December it's a very beautiful day.¨, she responds.
,,Well ok, if you don't mind people recognises me.¨, I add quick.
,,Chris, you are a celebity. If you wouldn't get known one time a day, this wouldn't be normal. I can deal with it.¨, she estimates.
I nod my head, with the knowledge, that this wouldn't be a simple day in the middle of December.

By walking in the small park nearby we talk about different things. Now I also know the ''unnecassary things ¨ like favourite movie, meal and so on. In this short time I found out, that she loves Marvel and DC. She is a real geek, if you want to say that. Also she loves dancing in the rain, which is kinda weird, but I like this too. There couldn't be more fresh air after a messy rain and thunderstorm. Milly also told me that she danced, once to Every Teardrop is a waterfall, while singing in the rain.This remind me on my inspiration on this song, which was actually kinda like her experience with the rain dance. With this new recognition I cuckle along beside her.

We enter the park, while keeping our eyes fixed on the ground. Maybe the others or those who don't know me, see just a couple walking in the december in the park.Coldplayers sees me with a girl that isn't Gwyneth.
,,So what are your favourites?¨, Milly asks suddenly, while we are sitting down on a bench upon a lower hill. It's the same I went everytime when I need new song ideas.
,,What do you mean?¨, I respond, while biting my under lip.
,,Movies, TV-Shows, meal, sweets and so on. Private things.¨, she questions again.
,, I don''t have any favourite movie or show. All are good in their own way. Meal? I'd rather say pancakes. And sweets? Nutella.¨, I respond with a smirk run all over my face.
,, Well...ok. Who don't love Nutella? ¨, she markes.
We spent the rest of the day toghter and it was very nice. Maybe I'll also say that it was one of the best days in my entire life. It was only her and me. Nobody distracting us. No Phil, who is worring over to less music we make. No Guy and Will, who are jaming or eating the whole day long and also no Jonny, who holes me with questions about my personal life. Just Milly, who is smiling at starring at me like a sun on a bright summer day.

Suddenly she begins to sing:

Oh morning come bursting, the clouds amen
Lift off this blindfold, let me see again
Bring back the water, let your ships roll in
In my heart she, left a hole

Than she stops and looking over the horzon. I continue the song:

The tigthrope as I'm walking just sways and ties
The devil as he's talking with those angel's eyes
And I just wanna be there, when the ligtning strikes
And the saints go marching in

I stop too. Then we turn the faces to each other. Both looking the neighbour straight in the eyes. Brown vs. Blue! Than we get it both.

And if we could float away,
Fly up to the surface and just start again
And lift off before trouble,
Just erodes us in the rain

Just erodes us in the rain,
Just erodes us  see a roses in the rain
Sing slow it down
Through chaos as it swirls
It's us against the world
As we both stopped singing, we look each other once again in the eyes. My heart is beating like I ran a marathon. I don't care if my cheeks flame up or not. Her nose is red but this is because of the cold air around us.

,,Wow, what was that right know?¨, she asks shyly.
,,This was magic, you are right. Do you even know, where we are right now?¨, I request.
,,In London?¨, she answers with a laughter.
I laugh too and adding:,, Yes, but we are on a special place here.¨
Another time he looks me straight in my blue eyes and it feels like she starres into my soul.
,,Welcome to Violet Hill, Milly Jenkins!

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