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Milly's view:

I think I've never been more happier and more thankfull in my life. As I started building down my saxophone, Jonny joins me and say:
,,Hey, this was amazing! I mean I've written and play it also on the guitar, but I've never heard it with a jazz instrument. This was overwhelmed! I really love it! You are a great musician!¨
I'm feeling really blushed, because first I didn't even expect that I can play it after that long time without making any mistake and second, because I surprised Jonny and the others. I mean, I surprised my favorite band! Lots of people around the world would die for that!
,,Thank you so much ! This means really a lot to me! I choose this song, because I really love it. Beside Talk and Charlie Brown it's one of my favourites.¨, I answer him while looking directly in his green eyes.
,,Well, thank you. How long did you play it ?¨, was his next question.
,,I started playing at the age of 16. Than 2 years later I had to stop because of school. But then I finished, it I started again and that's it !¨, I respond with a huge smile on my face.
,,Great work and well done !¨, he says one more time, than he joined the others.

Suddenly Chris walks over to me. Ok, just try to stay calm and don't say anything stupid! Don't panic!
,, Hey this was magical. Everything what happend in the last half hour.¨ he mentions with a glance in his bright blue eyes.
I only saw them in photos and videos, but now I'm stading in front of him and they are even more beautiful in real life. I'm hypnotised!
,,Milly?¨, he askes me
,,Yeah sorry, I'm just so happy to be here and standing in front of you guys.¨
,, Yeah, I can see it !¨, he says with a little smirk on his face. His face is kinda red, but ok, it's very warm in here. Than he turns around and walkes over to his band mates.
I recognized that his heart was beating very fast as we hugged each other. Was this because of me ? Anyway I think the band likes me and what could be even better?

After I landed in the real world again Guy shoutes at me:,, Hey Milly! I thought you like to join us in the pub?¨
I agree and running straight to him and the other guys.

As we going down the long hallway I see many pictures an posters of the band. By the Twisted Logic Tour 2006 one I stop. This was when I started to like their music. I mean, I know them since they released their first album Parachuttes but with X & Y they became so special and important to me.
,,Interested ?¨, a deep mans voice mumble behind me.
I spin around, straight seeing in the eye of Chris.
,,Yes ! This was the first one I really knew and the first one I liked. ¨, I answer him with a smile on my face.
,,Well I can tell you every single part of this. How it was released, how much struggels we had, how much time we wasted, and so on.¨, he respond with a laugh.
As he stops talking, he just starres at me like I'm the Queen of England. The light from above was in a perfect angle , so his bright blue eyes were sparkling. Dear god, please let this moment never end.
But in the next second Jonny clatches Chris' shoulders with the words:,, C' mon man, let's get some beer!¨
I try to give him the cutest smile and than fast turning away from him. What the hell did just happened? I can't fall in love with him!

Later in front of the Irish pub:

Guy promissed me, before we were going, that it's not far away from the Bakery and he was right. Not even 2 minutes later we found ourselves in front of the cute pub. As all five of us are going in, nobody gives us a view, which is quite good. I don't want to get identified with them. Maybe I'll already be in the news tomorrow and that's the last thing I want.
We all take our seats and a waitress with long bound blonde hair walks straight towards us. She didn't even has to ask, obviosly she knows them since a while, because she just mentions:,, 4 beers ?¨
Will nods his head and question me: Milly ? What do you want to drink?¨
,,Uhmm.....one Baily's please!¨, I request quick.
The waitress note it on her small pad and than she goes back to the counter.
After five minutes all of us had their drinks and everybody seem to enjoy the time. We talk about different things. We all laugh the most, when I brought back in mind the one interview from Viva la Vida where Jonny had been asked, if he knew what the song Yellow is actually about. In the end, he says Bananas and we all kept laughing. Except Chris! He is sitting like a ghost the whole time. Once he gave the group a small smirk or laughter but then he goes back in silence and stay quiet again.

I wanted to bring him ¨back¨ to the band, so I look him directly in the eyes and ask:,, Chris? What was your favourite interview ever?¨
Four pairs of eyes look at him and anyone could see, that he feels not comfortable.
,, Hey, what's up Chrstopher? Did she make you speechless?¨, Jonny questions him with a huge playfull smile.
He is getting more red with every second and he is trembling! Is he ok?
Than suddenly he stands up, while grabbing his brown jacket and leaves me with the boys alone! Did I say anything wrong?

It's a cold galaxy ( A Coldplay Fanfiction | >> Completed Story <<) Where stories live. Discover now