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Rose's P.O.V

After we got back to the house, mum, dad, uncle harry, and the 'gang' started to bombard me with questions.

"Who is Delphi?" Alice asked.

"How do you know her?" Mum asked.

"What happened?" asked James.

"What does she have against you?" asked Al.

"How did you get involved with this Rosie?" Asked dad. Scorpius was the only one whom remained silent.

They all started to shout questions at me. I couldn't take it, I hate being yelled out.

"SHUT UP!!!" I yelled out. Everyone instantly became quiet.

"Yelling questions at me won't get you any answers!" I said, annoyance dripping from my voice.

"Sorry, Rosie." Murmured dad.

"I will explain everything now." I began explaining everything from the beginning. I left out the part about Scorpius sleeping with me, I didn't want dad to go ballistic.

After I finished explain everything was deadly quiet. That was until grandma Molly walked in said "There you children are! Come on now, you all are way to skinny. Dinner has been ready for the past hour. Well don't just stand there, get moving!" She said when she noticed we weren't moving. We all got up and went to the table to eat. Everyone was too quiet.

"Well.. say something!" I said.

"Why didn't you tell us Rosie?" James asked.

"Because of this! Have you guys seen the state of yourselves right now! You guys are worrying so much for no reason! I can handle things on my own. I didn't need to tell you!"

"We still deserved a right to know!" Al said.

"Why! Do you tell me what happens in your life? No. This was a private thing that I didn't want people to know about because you guys would all give me that look of PITY!" I was fed up. I took my plate and went to my room. I didn't want their pity.

Scorpius's P.O.V

"I think one of us should go up to her." Said Alice.

"No, she needs time to be alone. Get her thoughts together, she calm down...eventually." I said.

"I agree with Scorpius." Hermione said.

"Why doesn't she want our help?" asked James.

"How would you feel if you told your family something personal and they just looked at you with pity in their eyes?"

"I would feel...angry.." He replied.

"Yeah.." I murmured quietly.

We all carried on eating in silence. I ate my dinner quickly, I really wanted to talk to Rose. I wanted to comfort her.

I finished my dinner, washed my plate then headed up to Rose's room. I knocked on her door.

"Go away, mum." She said.

I knocked again.

"Mum, go away. I don't want to talk to you right now." She said.

"Good thing I'm not your mum." I said. I heard shuffling coming from her side. She opened the door to reveal her eyes puffy from

"What do you want Scorpius?" she asked.

"Nothing, just want to hang out with my girlfriend." I smiled.

"Suurreee..." she said.

"Can I come in?"


I walked in her room and sat down on her bed.

"Look Scorp., if you're here to give me pity or tell me to go talk to my family, then you're wasting your time."

"I'm not. I'm just..here." I just wanted to be there for her. Nothing else. I just want to be here.

She walked over to me and sat down next to me. I put my arm around her and she leaned into me. It was almost as if she was made to be with me.

"I'm here for you, you know that?" I looked at her with love in my eyes.

"I know. You're always here for me, especially when I need someone. Thank you for that."

"It's my pleasure."

We stayed in silence for a while. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was comfortable. We sat there, relishing in the peace.

"I love you." I said looking at her. I was in love with this girl. She was the best thing to ever happen to me. I can't imagine a day without her.

"I love you too Scorpius." Who would've ever thought a Malfoy and a Weasley would fall in love? That night Alice and Lily slept somewhere else. I stayed with Rose. She fell asleep in my arms. In my arms where she belonged...

I forgot when the last time I updated my story and I was feeling like writing so.. here you go. Go check out my other story After Death.  Here's a little preview or description or whatever.

AFTER DEATH Description

Amber Rose is dead. She goes to the underworld expecting something different. Little did she know she was going to go on a wild advernture with her new friends. Maybe she would even find true love. Or maybe she would find betrayal, heart break, pain, and more. Join her on a wild adventure..though death.


Amber's P.O.V

Death. Would this be my end? I haven't lived for long. I continued to stare at last bit of light I saw. I was dying. I was stuck drowning in a lake, all because I wanted to have some fresh air. I couldn't breathe for much longer. I wonder what it will feel like. Would someone come collect me? Would I be reincarnated? Would I go to hell or heaven? I don't know much about death, considering I've never died before. I took my very last breath. I felt the water enter my lungs, pain engulfed me. My lungs felt like they were on fire. Slowly my eyes started to close but I still saw a light. Cliché, I know. Cliché but..real. I saw every good thing in my life. I saw my little brother Aikio, my big sister Alina, my father, my mother, my best friends and my grandparents. Oh how I would miss them! I wish I didn't have to die. I was only 18. But life will go on...for those living. As for me, I hope to live on in my friends and families memories. Good bye world, I'll miss you. After my memories pasted, everything faded to black.

Have a wonderful day, my lovelies


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