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Just posting some chapter for the fuck of it. I won't start posting regularly for a while though. I hope you like it so far. Comment and vote please! :)



"Have fun today, okay buddy?"

"Okay." I kissed the top of his head before letting him run off to play with his friends. It seems he's come a lot better acquainted with his daycare friends—no more shying away or sitting by himself—and I loved that. It only took a couple weeks. He was even friends with Regina’s kids, though they were a rowdy bunch.

"Oh Niall," Trisha rushed towards me before I could leave. "So, this Friday, the rest of the staff and I planned a little trip for the babies." In the two weeks I've lived here, I learned that Trisha like referring to the kids as babies. Archie would be less than pleased to hear that, which made me chuckle.

"Archie would love that. Where are they going?"

"There's this place in the city that has puppet shows and really cute story times and stuff like that."

"Sounds cool."

She twisted her fingers together, "I was kind of wondering if you'd like to maybe chaperone...with us...?"


"Well yeah, there's thirty three and four year olds that only three of us would be looking after. We just need a couple more parents to come. Regina Good is already on board."

Of course she is. Regina was a stay at home mum so she had a shit ton of time on her hands. I don’t know why her kids just don’t stay at home with her, but whatever. She was a very, in your face, kind of nosy, typical overly-happy neighbor woman. I had nothing against her though, because she wasn’t a gossiper like someone would think. She likes to talk about TV shows and her garden. It’s pretty impossible to hate her.

"What time?"

"About noon. I'm sure Archie would love to have you with him." And there it is. I can't say no now. Lucky for her I only have to work until eleven on Friday.

"Sure, I'll go."

"Oh thank you, Niall." Her feet shuffled her forward awkwardly before she stepped back again. What the hell...? "Well I...better get back to the babies." She pointed her thumb over her shoulder before turning around and walking away.

I shrugged off her weirdness and left for work.


After I picked Archie up, we went to the park to meet up with Liv. This was the first time we've seen her since the move and it was an understatement to say I was excited. I love that old lady—well she's not really that old, but definitely old enough to be my mum.

"Liv!" I shouted, catching her attention. A big grin spread over her face as we approached and I engulfed her in a tight hug. "It's so good to see you."

"Livy!" Archie grinned holding his arms up for her to hug him. "Livy I missed you a lot!"

"Big man! I missed you too!" She wrapped him in a hug before bringing us over to sit at a picnic table she had. "I brought you boys food."

"You know me too well." I chuckled, graciously accepting a sandwich from her. Archie sat on the table top with crossed legs as he munched on some pretzel; he loves pretzels. "So, how's life Liv?"

"Very boring without you two. Work is the same but...I miss my boys."

"Don't you have your own kids?" I teased.

My Buddy Archie [1]Where stories live. Discover now