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“Wake up,” I mumbled, kissing along her shoulders. “Wake up, Connie.”

As always, I didn’t get a response. She sleeps like a dead log, if I couldn’t see her breathing so obviously, I probably would’ve had a panic attack. Since I know today was her first day off from work she’ll probably have in a while, it would’ve been nice of me to let her sleep in. But I had other ideas.

I shook her gently, “Connie, wake up.”

“What time is it?” She grumbled into the pillow, keeping her eyes closed.

“I don’t know. Come shower with me.”


“Get in the shower with me.” I kissed her shoulder again. “If you don’t, I’ll drag you.”

She groaned, “Niall, I’m tired.”

“We’ve been dating for five months now. It’s way too early for you to use that excuse.” She smirked but didn’t move. “Fine.” I stood up and stared at her from the side of the bed, giving her one more chance before resorting to force.

Another second passed and I snatched the covers off the bed, tossing them on the floor. She yelped and curled into a ball to keep warm, but I quickly grabbed her ankles. “Niall!” She shrieked, trying to kick me away.

“I warned you. Now be quiet before you wake Archie up.” I batted her foot away from me and lunged forward to wrap my arms around her waist. She continued to fight me but was bubbling with giggles. When I haul her over my shoulder she finally just went limp, let her arms and hair swing back and forth. In the bathroom I debated just tossing her into the already running shower, but decided against it, just setting her down on the counter.

“The sun isn’t up,” he frowned. “Why are you showering?”

I kissed her forehead as my hands rubbed over her legs. “Because,” I kissed down to her ear, “I’m kind of hungry.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” She grumbled.

“Sure it does. And I thought I’d have my breakfast in the shower, just for a change in scenery.” She stared at me, utterly confused, until it clicked in her head. The surprise on her face made me chuckle, resting my forehead against hers. “So what? Are you going to let me starve?”

With a smirk, her eyes flicked to the shower, “Of course not.”


“Your feet are cute,” I mumbled as I let her button up my shirt.

“Yours aren’t.”

“Shut up..”

“No,” she leaned in to kiss me, only to whine when I turned away. “Hey…” Jeez, she’s cute. I gave in and kissed her cheek.

“Archie,” I called. “How are you doing getting dressed?” He ran into the room, fully dressed in an outfit of his own choosing, one he put on without any help. His shirt was backwards, but I didn’t want to falter that proud grin on that face.

It was a good changed from that funk he was in after I got him from Maria’s house. I’ve always hated when he got quiet. And this time it was killing me to know something happened with his mum for him to get that way. I don’t know what happened—he still won’t talk about it—but I don’t plan on letting him go back over there. Simple as that; if he doesn’t want to go, then I won’t make him.

“You look great, kiddo!” I finally said.

“Very handsome,” Connie added.

“Am I handsome like that man you said?”

My Buddy Archie [1]Where stories live. Discover now