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“Look how big you are Immy!” I smiled and kissed her on the cheek. She almost toppled over, but I quickly caught her and straightened her up again. “Still a little wobbly, though.” She screamed at me with a smile on her face. I assumed that’s how she says hello. “Are you hungry?” I looked over at Rachel, whose eyes were glued on Archie and Bailey. “Rach, did she eat?”

She looked towards me, “Yeah, don’t believe anything she says. She’s a greedy little thing.” Her thumb was pointed over her shoulder, “Got it from Beer Belly over here.”

“Beer belly?!” Wayne gasped, ripping his eyes from the pregame announcements on the TV. “Rachel…that hurt…”

“I love you though,” she grinned. Wayne only rolled his eyes, but wisely kept his mouth shut.

I chuckled at them before shifting Imogen to my lap as I leaned against the couch. Archie and Bailey were on the other side of where the coffee table usually was (I moved it since Imogen is quite the mover now). I’m not exactly sure what they’re doing. They found a deck of cards somewhere and I think they’re pretending to play poker. I’m not sure where they learned that from, but it looks like they were just putting cards down until one of decided who won.

Fucking adorable.

“Bails, are you winning again?”

“I don’t know mum. You have to be quiet.”

Rachel raised her eyebrow, “Oh, my bad.”

“Yes.” Bailey frowned and put another card down. Archie put his card down before throwing the rest of his hand in the air. Bailey burst out laughing and ran in a circle trying to catch each cards as they fell. Imogen joined in on the laughter too.

“What happened Archie?”

“I lost,” he muttered, laying down on his back. “I’m not good at it.”

I smiled, “Archie, as a boy, when you’re not good at something, just say you let them win.” Wayne laughed, hard enough to make Imogen flinch a little from the sudden sound. I kissed the top of her head and played with her little hands to relax her again.

Once his laughed died down, Wayne threw his arm around Rachel’s shoulders and gulped from his beer. “Games about to start, mate. Place your bet.”

“Fifty for Ireland.”

“Ireland! Ireland!” Archie cheered. If there’s one thing I taught him well, it’s to always root for Ireland. Always. “Fiddy for Ireland.”

Wayne snorted, “You must have all your lucky charms at the end of the rainbow, buddy…” Rachel giggled but I only rolled my eyes at them. We’ll see who’ll be laughing after the game.

The doorbell rang right before kickoff. I turned Imogen around and held her against me as I stood up slowly, my eyes glued to the TV. Literally, a split second before #4’s foot even kicked the ball, my phone vibrated with a text message. It was Connie, I know it. She always texts if I take longer than usual to answer the door. I reluctantly abandoned the game to let her in.

“Sorry,” I muttered leaning in to kiss her. But she leaned back, her eyes glued to Imogen who was staring right back at her. “You remember Imogen?”

“Yes,” she said stiffly.

I tilted my head. “You okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Um…maybe I should come back another time.”

“What, no. Stay and watch the game for a bit. It’ll be fun.” Her dark eyes glanced from Imogen to me then back again. What’s wrong with her? “She’s doesn’t cry a lot,” I added, unsure if that was what had her so…off.

My Buddy Archie [1]Where stories live. Discover now