Chapter 1 Wha?!?

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Annabell Potter and her brother,Harry,were in immense pain due to now getting a creature inheritance. As the pain ebbed and flowed through their veins, they are oh so glad that there is a silencing charm on the room. 
  ~time skip 'yay!' Note sarcasm!~
It has been 4 hours since the pain stopped and The-Twins-Who-Lived passed out. 'Ugh...What the Hades?!?' There was a weight on her back? The duo carefully walked down the hall to the bathroom.To say that they were shocked is an understatement in her opinion. She had wings! They were black and the wingspan was about 3 feet on each side. Harry had a white pair, other that that they were identical. As she ran her hand through her dark red-purple hair, she stops mid-stroke. She felt something! As she pushes her hair back, she sees them. Small white horns that poke up. A sudden tapping on the window shocked them out of their trancelike state. 'Hello? I'm so sorry, I don't have any treats.' Anna murmured softly. The barn owl cooed softly and showed it's leg. Anna gently released the letter. 'Bye!' As she opened it she was shocked at the fact that it was from Gringotts.
Dear Mister and Missus Potter,
It appears you both have come into your inheritance. This letter is a port key if you wish to come over immediately. The code word is 'Creature'
Sincerely, Griphook
Anna and Harry were both shocked to say in the least. Vernon, who had heard it all as the charm slipped, came out and began the whip the two with his belt. Harry quickly muttered 'Creature!' He felt the familiar pulling in his navel as his sister clutched his arm in pain and fear.
Ok this is 330 words long. I will update as soon as I possibly can. This my first book so no negative thoughts please! I feel the song matches this chapter.

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